Peripetie 4 Arnold Schoenberg
Learning Objectives To study the structure of Peripetie
Prep Review 1a. Use a technical term to describe the clarinet part in bars 10-15. 1b. Referring to the same passage, how many different pitches does it use without repeating any? 1c. What musical style does this suggest? 2. In bars 3-5 the horns are muted. What does this mean and why is it unusual that they are also marked ff? 3. There is Klangfarbenmelodie in bars 22-27. What does this mean? 4. What does the symbol in bar 29 mean? 5. Give TWO musical reasons why you like or dislike this piece.
Structure Bars 1-18. Describe: Tempo Rhythm Instrumentation Texture Melody Harmony and Tonality Dynamics
Structure 2 Bars 18-34 Three ways in which this section is different from what happened before Describe the different layers in the texture at bar 32. Why do you think the violin 1 and cello are playing at all? What do you notice about the dynamics of the and parts?
Structure 3 Bars 35-43 Look at the string parts in bar 35. Have we seen this before? When? Describe the chord in the horns in bars 37-38. Have we seen this chord before? When? Bars 44-58 What happens to the tempo in this section? How does the texture change? Can you describe what is happening in bars 50-53? Describe the dynamics of this section.
Structure 4 Bars 59-66 Have we seen the clarinet part in bar 59 before? What about trumpets bars 61-63? Flutes bars 62-63? What happens to the texture up to bar 64? Describe in detail what happens in the last 3 bars of the piece.
Structure 5 1-18 18-34 35-43 44-58 59-66 A B A’ C A’’ Free rondo form
2012 question 3