Tuesday, 4/21 Pick up a half sheet from the front tray


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Presentation transcript:

Tuesday, 4/21 Pick up a half sheet from the front tray Take out your Rough Draft and a Different Colored Pen

Peer Editing: 20 participation points Expectations: Must complete all three stages in order to receive your points. Will not be disturbing others at all in order to receive your full points. Will give honest and helpful feedback If your rough draft is incomplete, then you will work silently on completing that. After each stage, you must get the new stage sheet from the front with Ms. Latshaw Bring the essay with you to the front in case it needs to be checked for effort. Each stage will take about 10 minutes. No less than 7 minutes for each stage. Stage 1 = Grammar Requires you to write on the author’s paper Make check marks after you complete each item Stage 2 = Intro and Conclusion More in depth reading. Check for items being present and effective Stage 3 = Body Paragraphs and Suggestions You must read EACH body paragraph before you check the box Write your thoughtful suggestions on the back. Staple all sheets together on the author’s essay

FINAL TYPED/PRINTED MLA ESSAY IS DUE FRIDAY, APRIL 24 BY 4:00 Homework FINAL TYPED/PRINTED MLA ESSAY IS DUE FRIDAY, APRIL 24 BY 4:00 (If you need additional help, then go to the writing center to visit the University of Chicago tutors. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school in room 323)