Warm-Up: 1/3/2018 Welcome Back! Imagine that you are starting your own business What kind of business is it? Write down at least 5 things that your business.


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Presentation transcript:

Warm-Up: 1/3/2018 Welcome Back! Imagine that you are starting your own business What kind of business is it? Write down at least 5 things that your business needs in order to be successful.

Transportation: Roads Turnpikes Another term for a toll road War of 1812  Showed that road system was not good enough  More roads are built National Road First example of federal government spending money on internal improvements Connection between East and West Impact Roads were intended to connect East, South, and West Improvement of transportation  Benefit for business

Transportation: Steam Boat Inventor: Samuel Fulton How do they work? Steamboats use a steam engine for power and, therefore, can move against the current Impact Being able to move against the current, steamboats allow for the shipment of goods to more places Benefit for business/industry

Transportation: Canals Erie Canal Completed in 1825 Connected New York City with the West Where did the funding come from? Most canals were funded by state governments (not the federal government) Impact Connection with the West boosts business and industry on the East Coast

Transportation: Railroads Railroads connected the East with the West Impact Quick transportation boosts industry in the East Most of the railroads were built by private companies Most of the railroads existed in the Northeast and West (not many in the South)

How would you ship a product from Cincinnati to New York City? Scenario #1 How would you ship a product from Cincinnati to New York City? Remember: You shouldn’t travel through Native American territory You cannot travel upstream

Scenario #2 The steamship has been invented. How does that change how you would transport something from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh?

Scenario #3 You want to receive orders for your business in Cincinnati from New York City. How does the invention of the telegraph change your business?

Scenario #4 The cotton gin has been invented. The cotton gin allows cotton to be processed more quickly and shipped up to places like Cincinnati to be made into clothing. How does this invention change your business?

Communication: Telegraph Inventor: Samuel Morse How does it work? Wires transmit electrical signals that come out on the other end as a code (Morse Code) That code translates into words and sentences Impact Telegraph allows people to communicate across long distances in a shorter amount of time Boost for business

Big Picture Impact In one paragraph, explain how transportation and communication inventions changed America (think about business and industry!).