Overview of SDG indicators - latest developments 19th MGSC meeting March 2017 Fritz Gebhard Unit E2, « Europe 2020 and sustainable development indicators » team
2030 Agenda for SD: 17 goals, 169 targets The 2030 agenda for SD adopted on 25 September 2015 by at UN Summit on SD. All countries of the world committed to implement all goals and targets by 2030. The agenda foreseen regular follow up and review of progress towards its implementation
Follow-up and review of SDGs: the role of statistics The Goals and targets will be followed up and reviewed using a set of global indicators. […] This [indicator] framework will be simple yet robust, address all Sustainable Development Goals and targets, including for means of implementation, and preserve the political balance, integration and ambition contained therein (para 75) The political mandate is very wide and explicit. Expectations for statisticians are very high. The reputation of official statisticians is at stake. This is a challenge but also a huge opportunity.
Different levels of SDG Monitoring This is also foreseen in para 75. There will be no regional monitoring. Activities exist at the UNECE level and we are invovled, but are mainly to guide countries for national and global reporting. Monitoring at EU level is under development. Source: SDSN Report «Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the SDGs», 2015
First reports produced in 2016 Global level: 2016 SDG report, produced by UN system, showing 50 out of 241 global SDG indicators EU level: Ad hoc Eurostat publication on SDGs in EU context, showing 51 indicators selected ad hoc National level: Reporting on national SD strategies based on national SD indicator sets Sustainable Development in the European Union A statistical glance from the viewpoint of the UN Sustainable Development Goals Ad hoc publication. Strictly descriptive. Linked to Commission Communication Bridge between Eurostat series of EU SDS monitoring reports (last in 2015) and foreseen regular monitoring from 2017 Based on 51 indicators at goal level, mainly from existing EU indicator sets (2016 first UN SDG report has 50) Eurostat thematic Units have helped reviewing the publication. Thanks!
Global (UN) monitoring Level Reference to be monitored Main Actors Indicator set Global (UN) Agenda 2030 goals and targets UNSC, IAEG-SDGs, "Custodian" agencies, ECOSOC & UN GA Global list of 241 SDG indicators. Includes unavailable indicators UN region (UNECE) Developing guidance for member countries but no monitoring carried out. EU SDGs in an EU context - focus on EU policies Eurostat, DGs EU SDG indicator set. Based on existing indicators. Currently being developed National National SD strategies, incl. implementation of Agenda 2030 National statistical offices and other national agencies National SD indicator sets (exist in some countries, are being developed in others)
Set of global SDG indicators 241 SDG indicators for global monitoring agreed by 47th UNSC in New York on 11 March 2016 (230 separate indicators as 9 appear more than once) Tier classification for data availability and methodological development: Tier 1: Data regularly produced (35%) Tier 2: Methodology exists but no data (27%) Tier 3: No international methodology exists (36%) Goals with more than 50% tier I indicators: Energy (goal 7); Economy & labour (goal 8); Infrastructure & innovation (goal 9); Global partnership (goal 17) Goals with more than 50% tier III indicators: Inequality (goal 10); Consumption & production (goal 12); Climate (goal 13); Oceans (goal 14) Custodian agencies are making plans to develop methodologies and data collections for the Tier 3 indicators. Some have already started. Eurostat asked to cooperate on some work streams, e.g. on water and on agriculture statistics (thematic units).
48th UNSC (7-10 March 2017) Approve global indicator list (with minor refinements) Approve future work: Yearly minor refinements + 2 comprehensive reviews in 2020 & 2025 Work plan for examining a list of possible additional indicators on aspects not yet covered (starting in 2017) Mechanism for updating tier classification every year Custodian agencies provide work plans for tier 3 indicators Approve Resolution for ECOSOC and UN General Assembly. Main aim: Approve global indicator list Mandate to UNSC and IAEG-SDGs to continue until 2030
Eurostat's role in global monitoring Helped development and agreement on the global indicator list Coordinates EU common position at UNSC, for IAEG-SDGs meetings and for consultations Regularly updates EU MS and DGs on the process Member of IAEG-SDGs sub-groups on SDMX (data exchange) and geospatial information Support to develop tier III indicators Eurostat’s does not intend to enlarge current ESS surveys exclusively in order to fill data gaps on particular global SDG indicators. Supports tier 3 methodological work in ESS areas Eurostat is active in areas such as big data and geospatial data to explore new data sources and methodologies for Official statistics, but does not intend to enlarge current ESS surveys exclusively in order to fill data gaps on particular global SDG indicators.
EU SDG monitoring EU SDGs in an EU context - focus on EU policies Level Reference to be monitored Main Actors Indicator set Global (UN) Agenda 2030 goals and targets UNSC, IAEG-SDGs, "Custodian" agencies, ECOSOC & UN GA Global list of 241 SDG indicators. Includes unavailable indicators UN region (UNECE) Developing guidance for member countries but no monitoring carried out. EU SDGs in an EU context - focus on EU policies Eurostat, EU MS, other Commission services EU SDG indicator set. Based on existing indicators. Currently being developed National National SD strategies, incl. implementation of Agenda 2030 National statistical offices and other national agencies National SD indicator sets (exist in some countries, are being developed in others)
Background – 2016 Communication Communication COM(2016) 739 on Next steps for a sustainable European future, released on 22 Nov. Page 16: A first overview of where the EU and its Member States stand in view of the SDGs can be found in the Eurostat publication issued in parallel with this Communication. From 2017 onwards, the Commission will carry out more detailed regular monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals in an EU context, developing a reference indicator framework for this purpose …
Setting up an indicator set for regular EU SDG monitoring Eurostat in the lead within the Commission In cooperation with other Commission services (DGs) and Member States experts EU SDG indicator set of less than 100 «ready to use» indicators (no placeholders) EU SDG indicator set open to future changes (review mechanism to be defined)
Pre-final draft of EU SDG indicator set Timeline Agreement on process, framework and selection criteria Consultation on 1st draft of EU SDG indicator proposals Agreement on EU SDG indicator set Approval Drafting Eurostat SDG MR Pre-final draft of EU SDG indicator set as of 28 February 2016 Commission services (DGs) Eurostat, other DGs, MS (SDI WG) DGs, MS (SDI WG), … EC Eurostat in consultation with DGs 13 Dec. 2016 15 Dec. 2016 - 27 Jan. 2017 February - March 2017 April 2017 May-Nov. 2017 Bilateral discussions between Eurostat and DGs Meeting of Eurostat’s SDI working group, Committees' IGs meetings
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