CSPro: Census and Survey Processing System Sarveswara Surumpudi International Programs Population Division U.S. Census Bureau This presentation is intended to inform interested parties of ongoing work at the U.S. Census Bureau. Any views expressed on statistical, methodological, technical, or operational issues are those of the presenter and not necessarily those of the U.S. Census Bureau.
U.S. Census Bureau International Programs Promote international development and capacity building on a reimbursable basis through: Technical assistance Training Software and methodological tools
Where We Have Worked
What is CSPro? Census and Survey Processing System Product Suite First release in 2000 Initially designed for key-from-paper Product Suite Data entry Edits and imputations Tabulation Public domain
Who Uses CSPro? Used in over 160 countries by: National statistical offices (NSOs) Other ministries (health, education) Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Universities Hospitals Private sector
CSPro Applications Censuses (population and housing, agriculture, and economic) Demographic and labor force surveys Health and nutrition surveys Household income and expenditure surveys Major international projects: Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), ICF International Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), UNICEF
CSPro – CAPI Censuses CSPro Android Data Capture Solution Sequential mixed mode Android Tablets / Phones CSPro Desktop keyed data entry as fallback option Lesotho, Swaziland, Malawi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Cameroon, Zambia, Viet Nam Over 250 million people will be counted using CSPro Android
CSPro Functionality Data Capture Batch Editing Tabulation Enter and verify data, with sophisticated control over skips and consistency checks Batch Editing Apply logic to edit data to ensure consistency Tabulation Create tables from data
CSPro: Mobile Data Capture
CSPro Data Entry Features Develop and test on Windows Target multiple platforms Multiple languages (Unicode) Consistency checks Powerful programming language Networked Data Entry Data synchronization
Multiple Platforms Design once on Windows and run on Windows or Android (Tablets / Phones)
Questionnaire Development and Survey Implementation
CSPro Designer
CSPro CAPI Features Dynamic question text and responses Response categories rendered as radio buttons, check boxes, date pickers, etc. Multiple language support GPS Multimedia Paradata
Data Synchronization CSPro data can be transferred securely using: Bluetooth Dropbox FTP server run by an organization CSWeb - Web server run by an organization
CSPro Android – Census Implementations
UNFPA-Funded Census Project Lesotho Population and Housing Census: 2016 Around two million people 6,000 Android Tablets 7” and 8” tablets from Lenovo, xTouch, and Click
Malawi – Pilot Census CSPro Android CAPI Solution 100 Enumerators 20 Supervisors 120 Android Tablets - Lenovo Tab3 8” Power bank with solar charger CSWeb Data Transmission
Malawi – Pilot Census
Case Management
Workflow and Data Transfer
Monitoring Data Quality Soft checks Re-Interview Reports
Data Synchronization
Ethiopia Census Population around 100 million Android Tablets – 200,000 U.S Census Bureau - Technical Assistance Assessment - Tool for Assessing Statistical Capacity (TASC) Questionnaire Design Instrument Development Operational Control Edits and Tabulations Data Collection - CSPro Android Data Transfer Solution - CSWeb
CSPro: Data Processing
CSPro Batch Editing Validate individual data items Test consistency between items Modify data values Hot deck or cold deck imputation Generate imputation statistics Custom reports
Tabulation Tabulation is simple, drag and drop, and can create complex tables with some programming Area processing
Software Strengths Proven solution for implementing large scale censuses and complex surveys Huge user base Widely used in developing countries CSPro Users online community Network of global consultants Long-term development commitment from USAID Free to use along with free support from the Census Bureau
Training Opportunities Technical assistance through USAID support Workshops near Washington, DC Other international organizations, such as UNFPA, frequently host regional workshops
Useful Links Official CSPro website: Training CSPro E-Learning Videos https://www.census.gov/data/software/cspro.Overview.html Training https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/international-programs/events/workshops.html CSPro E-Learning Videos https://www.census.gov/data/software/cspro.Videos.html CSPro Users: http://www.csprousers.org Mailing list for CSPro questions: cspro@lists.census.gov