Veronika Hášová Česká pojišťovna Hra na bouračku Interní kampaň České pojišťovny
Internal campaign goals and targets Targets: Introduce key campaign of the spring to all employees and build their engagement and support for sales line (sales agents had direct motivational program) Link well all advertising, PR and internal communication activities within the CP so employees are always informed first about the plan and results Target group: 4000 employees
Internal communication strategy Inform employees about the campaign internal decorations communication channels regular business update Engage employees into the campaign conferencies and meetings events contests fun Evaluate the campaign personalized reporting for sales force CEO letter to all employees contests evaluations on intranet
Information at the first day Internal decorations Posters on the walls stands in corridors pictures on the main door in the reception Pictures in lifts – outside – inside a sign on the parking garage entry boom Accelerate today large stickers in the parking garage entrance traffic signs and children cars from the TV ad in the reception
Information about the launch Intranet: Special campaign pages for employees Sales portal: Special campaign pages for sales agents Intranet Homepage – banner, main campaign news about the smart phone application – downloadable Weekly Newsletter Pop-up window Screen saver signatures
Launching intranet
Information during the campaign Film about making an ad – a film about shooting the commercial. Internal radio – broadcasting a spot from the PA system Internal TV channel – broadcasting a TV spot and the film about a film Česká Info – magazine Car sticker – I love my car. Insured by Česká pojišťovna on employee cars
Engagement Campaign was introduced to the sales force on the annual sales conference in March The song from the TV ad could be downloaded as a CP mobile phone ringing tone. Employee contest for a new i- phone was introduced: who will guess the best estimate about downloaded CP smart phone applications before the end of the campaign?
Engagement Take the picture with your team in front of the veteran car installed inside the HQ CP building
Engagement After the campaign all children cars exhibited in corridors were donated to the Klokánek charity (a fund for endangered children), with whom we have had long cooperation Handing in stickers in the parking garage with checkpoint at the exit Washers washed windows of the leaving cars Sticker inspection
Engagement First aid courses were offered to employees at the end of the campign: Be ready to help others.
And we have organized some fun too. Competition was organized for customer service centers employees in Brno and Pardubice.
Top secret employee race Top secret employee race was organized through countryside on Saturday and more than 100 employees competed in 30 cars.
Regular campaign evaluation A text message (sms) was regularly distributed to sales managers Personalized intranet portal for the sales network with performance statistics for each sales hub from the CEO with the campaign results (to be sent still) Regular update on the internal TV channel Campaign results presented in the e- magazine (homepage) on intranet Campaign results presented regularly in the electronic newsletter (distributed every Tuesday)
Contact Veronika Hášová Internal Communication Manager Ceska pojistovna Na Pankraci 1720/ Prague 4 Czech Republic T: F: M: E: