ConText By: Team Flirt
Meet the Team Robert Matt Noah Robert Michelle Research Feasibility Presenter Feasibility Solution Research Solution Presenter Web Master Presenter Team Leader
Identification of Societal Problem Due to the reiterative nature of the English language, nonnative speakers easily misunderstand the various meanings of similarly spelled words.
Analysis of Societal Problem English is a complex language: Colloquialisms Homonyms Context Impact: Grades Confidence Overall communication
Identification and Analysis of Customer English as a Second Language (ESL) students College level Native English speakers Ages: approximately 16+ Anyone with an interest in word play
Current Process Flow
Current Process with Proposed Improvements
Solution Design Create a mobile app Visual representations of dual meanings of words Primary focus on homonyms and colloquialisms Stages based on complexity Stage 1: same spelling (2 words) Stage 2: same spelling (3 words) Stage 3: same spelling (4 words)
Solution Design Level 1 of Stage 1: Answer: Cool vs. Cool
Major Functional Components
Hardware Requirements Smart device capable of running Android OS Touch screen Internet receiver
Software Requirements Android OS 2.2 (Froyo) or higher Google Play Store (System Requirements, n.d.)
Software Development Android Studios GUI Design Built-in Emulator Java Git Version Control Project Management Organization
Software Details & Logic Approach Player will open app Press play (starts at level 1) Analyze picture to determine meaning of words Spell correct word Submit attempt If wrong, erase letters and return to number 3 If correct, proceed to next level
User Stories As an Administrator I need to be able to update the program posted to the Google Play Store I need to have access to the accounts storing data on the local server I would like to add or remove words from the database As a Player I need to be able to log into the server to load my save data I need the game to save my progress upon completion of a level
Database Schema
Database Entity Relationship Diagram
Algorithm Flow
Question Algorithm
Risk Matrix
Customer Risk Mitigation Customer not educated to apps level Begin game with most basic vocabulary Focus on commonly used words Game is not educational Beta test the game with ESL students Work with ESL teachers to refine game design Phone incompatibility Operating system too old Region locked
Technical Risk Mitigation Unable to host files on ESL Server Mentor cannot provide access to ESL server Need to find alternate hosting service
Risks are low and maintainable Simple database structure Conclusion Risks are low and maintainable Simple database structure Easy to follow game logic
References System requirements. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2017, from