Why did attitudes towards the poor change in Elizabethan England?
Learning objective – to be able to explain the changes in attitudes towards the poor in the Elizabethan era. I can describe the key reasons why attitudes towards the poor changed in the Elizabethan era. Grade 3 I can explain the key reasons why attitudes towards the poor changed in the Elizabethan era. Grade 6 I can explain and assess the reasons why attitudes towards the poor changed in the Elizabethan era. Grade 9
How were the poor differentiated in Elizabethan England? Many Elizabethans identified two types of poor in society – The deserving or impotent poor who could not help themselves. The idle poor who were those who could work but chose not to. Attitudes towards the impotent poor were sympathetic and there was a level of support given to them through charity and funds raised through the poor relief tax. However, attitudes towards the idle poor were far more harsh and the idle poor, such as vagrants, faced severe punishments, such as whipping, if they were caught.
Why did the able bodied poor increase during the Elizabethan period? During trade depressions, the number of able bodied poor increased as they were made unemployed. This problem was exacerbated by the increasing population with fewer jobs to go round. This was particularly evident in towns and cities as many in the rural communities went to towns and cities in the search for work.
Why did vagrants seen as a threat during the Elizabethan period? Vagrants were seen as a threat as many felt they were able to work and chose not to. Rumours of gangs of vagrants wandering around stealing and threatening people were rife. The Elizabethan government chose to define the different types of poor into those who could and those who could not work and accepted some responsibility to help those in genuine need.
How did the Elizabethan government help the poor? Raising poor relief was seen as a local government issue. This was inconsistent, so a national approach was brought in to help the poor. However, the poor rate – the local tax which was collected to help the poor – and charity – funded by local wealthy people – remained in place.
How did the Elizabethan government help the poor? Two progressive acts which were designed to help the unemployed were – 1563 Statute of Artificers which made poor relief was no longer optional and those who refused to pay could be sent to prison. Officials who were seen as incompetent in collecting the tax could be fined £20. 1576 Poor Relief Act distinguished between the impotent and Idle Poor and aimed to find the able bodied poor work. Justices of the Peace had to provide the able bodied poor raw materials, such as wool, to enable them to work by making things to sell. Those who refused were sent to special prisons called Houses of Correction.
How did the Elizabethan government help the poor? One repressive act which was designed to help the unemployed was – 1572 Vagabonds Act aimed to deter vagrancy. Anyone found guilty of being a vagrant was to be whipped and had a hole drilled through each ear. If caught a second time, they would be imprisoned and for a third time would be executed. Alongside this a register of the poor had to be kept by local government and towns and cities were given the responsibility to find work for the able bodied poor.
Task – convert this diagram
Copy and complete the table below Name of Government action What did the action do? 1563 Statute of Artificers 1572 Vagabonds Act 1576 Poor Relief Act