Computer Communications EEL 4598/5718 Computer Communications
Undergraduate Curriculum This course provides a senior-level introduction to the principles and practice of data and computer communications
Communications Area Graduate Flowchart
Computer Engineering Area Graduate Flowchart (Network Track) EEL-5718 Computer Communications EEL-6935 Control Tech. & Comp. Net. EEL-6935 Net. Science & Applications EEL-6507 QueuingTheory & Data Comm. EEL-6591 Wireless Networks EEL-6509 Wireless Comm. EEL-6528 Digital Comm SD Radios EEL-6935 Distributed Computers EEL-6935: Ad-hoc Wireless Networks /Internet of Things EEL-6935 Cyber-Physical Systems
CED Suggested Plans of Study Computer Systems (EEL 5718)- Computer Communications (EEL 5764)- Computer Architecture EEL-5934 Principles of Computer Systems EEL 6507 Queuing Theory and Data Communication EEL 6706 Fault Tolerant Computer Architecture EEL 6763 Parallel Computer Architecture EEL 6781 Autonomic Computing EEL 6892 Virtual Computers EEL 6935 Distributed Computing EEL 6935 Big Data Ecosystems EEL 6935 Software-defined Computing Systems EEL 6935 Cross Layered Computer Security EEL 5930 Automated HW/SW Verification
CED Suggested Plans of Study Parallel & Distributed Computing (EEL 5718)- Computer Communications (EEL 5764)- Computer Architecture EEL-5934 Principles of Computer Systems EEL 6702 Fault-Tolerant Computing EEL 6763 Parallel Computer Architecture EEL 6781 Autonomic Computing EEL 6892 Virtual Computers EEL 6935 Distributed Computing COP 5255 Concurrent Programming EEL 6935 Cloud Computing and Storage EEL 6935 Big Data Ecosystems EEL 6935 Software-defined Computing Systems
CED Suggested Plans of Study Computer Architecture (EEL 5718)- Computer Communications (EEL 5764)- Computer Architecture EEL-5721 Reconfigurable Computing EEL 6706- Fault Tolerant Computer Architecture EEL 6763- Parallel Computer Architecture EEL 6892- Virtual Computers EEL 6935- Billion Transistor Architectures EEL 6935 Embedded Systems CDA 6156- Advanced Computer Architecture
CED Suggested Plans of Study Communications & Networking (EEL 5718)- Computer Communications EEL 6507 Queuing Theory and Data Communication EEL 6591Wireless Networks EEL 6509 Wireless Communications EEL-6935 Ad-hoc Wireless Networks EEL 6935 Network Science & Applications EEL 6935 Cyber-Physical Systems EEL 6935 Control Technology & Computer Networks
Networking Training This is just my suggestion Basic course: EEL5718 Advanced courses Performance evaluation (queueing and simulations) Optical networks (or High-speed networks) Wireless networks Mobile computing and applications Advanced Networking (Ad Hoc Networks, IoTs) TCP/IP Network security (cybersecurity in general) Network programming Simulation tools (NS-2/3, OpNet, QualNet)
EEL 5718 Computer Communications Textbook : Communication Networks (Leon-Gracia & Widjaja), 2nd Edition References: 1. Computer Networks (Tanenbaum), 2. Data & Computer Communications (6th ed.), Stallings Advanced References: 1. Data Networks (Bertsekas & Gallager), 2. Telecommunications networks (Schwartz)
Syllabus Instructor: Professor Yuguang Fang Contact: 435 Engineering Building, (352) 846-3043, Office hours: 9:30-10:30am, T &TH or by appointment Fact: Open all the time! TA: Ms. Yaodan Hu ( Course webpage: Access authorization User: eel5718 Password:
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of probability theory Probability, conditional probability, probability distribution, random variables, random processes Basic knowledge of communications systems (EEL4514) Analog communications, AM/FM, simple digital communications concepts, bandwidth, etc. Warning: It is advised NOT to take this course if you do not have the above background
Outlines Overview of communications and services (chap 1) Layering design architecture (chap 2) Physical layer fundamentals (chap 3) Data transmissions: information representation, coding/decoding Channel characterization (including transmission media) Fundamental limits of transmissions Modulation/demodulation (including line coding)
Outlines (cont.) Multiplexing and switching (chap 4) Data link control (DLC) protocols Error control (CRC and FEC) (chap 3) Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) (chap 5) Midterm Multiple access control (MAC) (chap 6) Routing protocols (chap 7) Transport layer protocol (chap 8) Congestion control (chap 7 & 8) LAN technologies (chap 6)
Grading Polices Use statistical curve Weighting factors Final grades Homework: 10% Project: 10% Midterm: 35% Final: 45% (comprehensive with emphasis on the second half of the course) Final grades Use the average +D as cutoff line for A and 5 points as the stepsize for grades below, where D is a controlled parameter related to STD. We will have minus grades for this course! >90%: guaranteed A, >80%: guaranteed B Curving is separately done for undergraduates and graduates Attendance: It is highly recommended, because hints for exams may be discussed in class.
Homework Hard copies Pay close attention to the homework problem numbers: all problems are based on the numbering in the textbook published in North America, which may be different from the numbering in the International Edition!!! A cover page with course number & name & UFID No late submission Regularly check course website for homework assignment
Project Description There are mainly three types of projects Survey on current research topics in networking related areas Implementation of a network protocol or system using socket programming, or evaluation of network performance using network simulator (such as NS2 or Qualnet or OPNET) Other projects approved by the instructor or the TA
Project Description Requirements Work in a group with 2-4 students Each group picks one topic Submit final code/report/demo before last class Check course website for detailed information (e.g. Requirements, Project timeline, Topics)
Honor Code All students admitted to the University of Florida have signed a statement of academic honesty committing themselves to be honest in all academic work and understanding that failure to comply with this commitment will resulting disciplinary action. This statement is a reminder to uphold your obligation as a student at the University of Florida and to be honest inall work submitted and exams taken in this class and all others.
Quotes “Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration” (Thomas Edison) Don't just read it; fight it! Ask your own questions, look for your own examples, discover your own proofs. Is the hypothesis necessary? Is the converse true? What happens in the classical special case? What about the degenerate cases? Where does the proof use the hypothesis? (Paul Halmos, I Want to Be a Mathematician)
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