Megan WMOA Presentation – January 14th 2019 Officiating hacks Lessons Learned from Camp Questions or game situations
Officiating Hacks Magnets = no sewing Dunhams DSW – all black shoes Confirm your games F/JV games
Fail, Find, Fix: A Process for Personal Improvement (inspired by a concept taught by Ed Rush) MHSAA Basketball Referee Group – Facebook 1) FAIL – this is guaranteed. You are an imperfect person trying to work a perfect game with other imperfect people. You will fail and make mistakes. You need to work games. 2) FIND: Now you need to identify actual, specific things that require improvement. This is a targeted approach. 3) FIX: Stating what you need to fix as goals. Track your progress and work with your mentors or veteran officials to provide feedback on the corrections your making.
Lessons learned from camp Keep arm straight up Stop, call the travel, use the signal, point, then go. Joe Perrin – “Always hustle during live ball, never rush during dead ball.” Signal with closed fist, then report. (Post and hold) No need to give mechanics or explanation until you get to table. That way it gives you time to think in case you want to change. I.E. a block to a push.
Keep eyes in area as you transition Keep eyes in area as you transition. I tend to transition and my eyes leave the area, causing me to miss calls. Try to be set to make a call, when you are moving you have a higher chance at missing a call. Use less verbiage when reporting a foul and to coaches. When the ball is on the end line hand the ball, when on the side line bounce the ball and step back to give yourself some distance.
If signaling in subs (always opposite table) walk onto court and signal to make a bigger presence. Same is true on a jump ball, step into the huddle to make yourself known When waiving in subs use a brief hand signal in. It looks more efficient. Take a step down on a 3, don't fade back. Same on a free throw.
Keep mechanics crisp, and report with hands high and keep brief Keep mechanics crisp, and report with hands high and keep brief. "White, 24, block“…. Think TV screen Get big when reporting fouls, especially as a female. Get hands up high, and elbows level with shoulder Sell out of bounds calls more. Don't count when administering the ball, they will know when you get to 5. Officiate the gap, when the offense gets the ball, establish the pivot foot then turn to the gap and watch if the gap closes you know you have to work harder.
Go to the side of the shooter when shooting a 3 to get a look at the slot. (Megan Note – I tend to follow the ball a lot on 3’s so I need to get in the habit of stay with the shooter and the defense and not worrying if the ball goes in) Spit the whistle out after I blow it Always indicate who the shooter is or I have shooter, good to pregame this Good to pregame coach conversations. When I have my back to the crew don’t administer until I have turned to face them. If I am talking with a coach from the side, administer and go. “Don’t go often and don’t stay long” when it comes to coaches and conversations.
Don’t shake head when I call a foul Don’t shake head when I call a foul. This shows everybody you don’t approve. If the player asks answer if possible quickly. When indicating a player can run base line after a made basket, make it a big gesture so all know it.
Questions or Game Situations Any? Excessive elbows Camp – if you have the opportunity GO. It really does help. Bring a notebook and write down your feedback as you get it, so you have tangible areas to work on in your up coming season. Contact: Megan Cusick,, 616-915-1306