Introduction: Scope of Project Define an interoperable EFC service for: Austria France Italy Slovenia Switzerland Define the required procedures for the service … for heavy vehicles only (> 3.5 tons) … for central account payment with a view to extend to other countries 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
Introduction: Participants Operators: Project Office: 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
Introduction: Scope of Project Results shall: directly lead to implementation be operational for operators be concise and understandable be fed into the European process e.g. Regulatory Committee, Stockholm Group, RCI, CESARE-III lead to added services to customers 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
Introduction: Scope of Project Why only Heavy Vehicles? The market for international interoperability for light vehicles is too small The Directive 2004/52/EC of the European Parliament states: “Interoperability for Heavy Vehicles first” Austria and Switzerland do not have EFC for light vehicles 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
Contents of the Presentation Existing systems MEDIA technical solution MEDIA contractual architecture Outlook 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
Subject: Vehicles > 3.5 tons Infrastructure: Motorways Open system Systems: Austria Subject: Vehicles > 3.5 tons Infrastructure: Motorways Open system Tariffication: Per (motorway) kilometre, tariff depends on vehicle class declared characteristics Technology: Multi-lane free-flow Mandatory OBU CEN 5.8 GHz DSRC (CARDME) EFC Operator: state owned operating company Contract Issuer: ident EFC Operator 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
Subject: All vehicles (Trucks from 2006) Systems: France Subject: All vehicles (Trucks from 2006) Infrastructure: Motorways, bridges, tunnels Closed & open system Tariffication: Per (motorway) kilometre, tariff depends on vehicle class measured characteristics Technology: Single ETC lane Voluntary OBU CEN 5.8 GHz DSRC (TIS) (CARDME from 2006) EFC Operator: 13 concessionaires (private/public) Contract Issuer: 8 companies 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
Infrastructure: Motorways Closed & open system Systems: Italy Subject: All vehicles Infrastructure: Motorways Closed & open system Tariffication: Per (motorway) kilometre, tariff depends on vehicle class measured characteristics Technology: Single ETC lane Voluntary OBU UNI 5.8 GHz DSRC (UNI) EFC Operator: 24 concessionaires (private/public) Contract Issuer: 1 company 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
Infrastructure: Motorways Open & closed system Systems: Slovenia Subject: All vehicles Infrastructure: Motorways Open & closed system Tariffication: Per (motorway) kilometre, tariff depends on vehicle class measured characteristics Technology: Single ETC lane Voluntary OBU CEN 5.8 GHz DSRC (CARDME) (introduction in 2006, currently 2.45GHz) EFC Operator: state owned operating company Contract Issuer: ident EFC Operator 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
Subject: Vehicles > 3.5 tons Systems: Switzerland Subject: Vehicles > 3.5 tons Infrastructure: All public roads kilometre charging system Tariffication: per kilometre and per ton MLW, emission-dependent declared characteristics Technology: Tachograph / Odometer CEN 5.8 GHz DSRC plus supported by GPS and Chipcard EFC Operator: Swiss Customs Authority Contract Issuer: ident EFC Operator (“Contract”) 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
Issues for Interoperability Austria: User declaration of No. of axles France: Several EFC Operators (no cent- ralised organisational structure) All classes / CARDME in 2006 Italy: Different DSRC technology Slovenia: Post-pay processes currently under development CEN DSRC / CARDME in 2006 Switzerland: Tachograph reading to be declared upon entry/exit User declaration of Trailer Governmental operator / tax 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
MEDIA Technical Solution MEDIA can accept technical products (or combinations) that fulfil the MEDIA requirements: Dual DSRC interface CEN (CARDME) Telepass Mechanism to declare trailer / axles Mechanism to declare distance reading, such as Chipcard for LSVA terminal Keyboard and display on the OBE Automatic measurement by OBE Harmonised classification data (incl. license plate) OBE logically bound to vehicle Personalisation interface 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
MEDIA OBE MEDIA can accept technical products (or combinations) that fulfil the MEDIA requirements: Short term (2006) Existing dual DSRC interface OBU plus LSVA Card Mid term MEDIA OBU, dual DSRC interface with keyboard and display Long term EETS OBE (see RCI project) next generation Swiss OBU German OBU with Telepass(-interface) … any product that fulfils the MEDIA requirements CEN TELEPASS 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
Contractual Architecture: Roles of the Entities Transport Service Provider EFC Operator Contract Issuer Payment Service Provider OBU Issuer Customer User = Driver 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
Contractual Architecture There is a contractual relationship involving the EFC operators and the Contract Issuers Contract Issuer is free in his choice of PSP The Contract Issuer has to guarantee payment to the EFC operators Obligations of Contract Issuer and EFC Operator plus rules for the MEDIA EFC Service Local contract may still be valid, but can also be bound to the MEDIA OBU 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
Contractual Architecture: Money & Information Flow (Example) Payment guarantee Payment guarantee EFC Operator Swiss Customs EFC Operator DARS EFC Operator Autostrade EFC Operator SAPRR EFC Operator ASFINAG Financial claim + transaction + invoice data Financial claim + transaction + invoice data Contract Issuer EFC Operator 1 Institution X Payment Payment Financial claim Payment Payment guarantee Payment Financial claim Payment guarantee Media association contract PSP DKV PSP DKV PSP Shell PSP Visa PSP Esso Payment Payment Customers DSRC Transactions 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019
Finalisation of project in February 2005 Outlook Finalisation of project in February 2005 Outlining specification of Contracts Processes Technical solution Report will be openly available at the project office in March ( Operators are committed to introduce the MEDIA service as soon as possible Intention to start implementation project immediately MEDIA shall be available in by mid 2006 MEDIA is open to extension to other operators and countries 67.007.0 Alpine Interoperability 04.04.2019