Experiments can be reproduced using off-the-shelf ToF cameras Proving Spatial Resolution for Occluded Imaging Achuta Kadambi, Hang Zhao, Boxin Shi, and Ramesh Raskar Based on paper in ACM Transactions on Graphics 2016 achoo@mit.edu Real-time Tracking Resolution Bound Key Contribution Tracking an occluded object in real-time. Theoretical and practical resolution bounds Theory How does the BRDF of reflective surface affect recovery? How does the camera time resolution affect recovery? This paper proposes a resolution bound based on such factors. Practice Real-time demonstration of occluded imaging Generalization of problem to scattered light imaging. Imaging around the corner Looking through Diffuse Media Experiments can be reproduced using off-the-shelf ToF cameras Math generalizes to diffuse imaging Difffuser plane is primary reflector Resolution depends on scattering properties Virtual Sensor Array Proving Recovery Modulation wavelength Resolution Bound BRDF parameter Constrained by Span and Rank Span geometry of virtual sensors Rank measurement diversity Closest Related Work Seitz et al. 2005, ICCV Velten et al. 2012, Nature Comm. Heide et al. 2014, CVPR Heide et al. 2015, Optics Express Take-home message: Looking around corners depends on how shiny the wall is, and other parameters. This workprovides a resolution bound on the problem.