HVAC for thermal test on CLIC prototype modules in building 169 Preliminary design F. Audinet, C. Martel : Cern GS-SE-HE Wednesday, 25 th July 2012
Localisation Cern Meyrin site – reference building 169-S-011 S-011 CLIC TUNNEL LAB
Initial design (temperature control only) CLIC TUNNEL LAB
HVAC PRINCIPLE (1) (T° + air speed) Air transfer 100 cm
PROJECTS PARAMETERS Preliminary design : July Detail design: August InstallaltionOctober Estimated costs :300 to 350 kCHF CLIC TUNNEL LAB
HVAC DESIGN PARAMETERS Internal heat dissipation:6 KW Number of people:5 Variable airflow rate: from 5000 to m 3 /h Variable air speed (central section) from 0.25 to 0.8 m/s Ambient temperature:from 20 to 40°C Fresh air inlet:500 m 3 /h Filtration class:F8 CLIC TUNNEL LAB