Instructional Calendar Development 2019-2020 School Year
Calendar Committee Consisted of 56 members representing each campus Committee included teachers, administrators, and parents The committee met face-to-face two times and were given multiple times to gather feedback from their campuses and vote on several aspects of the calendar development. Goal: Create calendar options that positively impact student achievement!
State Requirements 75,600 minutes 2 additional snow days built in 187 teacher contract days Minimum of 420 minute school day May use up to 2,100 instructional minutes for teacher professional learning
Considerations Holiday Breaks (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, Good Friday) State testing calendar Start and end dates Teacher professional learning days Semester breakdown Early release days
Committee Input The committee would like to see: 9-week grading periods More built-in professional learning days Fall break to allow for October family vacations School to start mid-week End before Memorial Day End semester before Christmas break Balance semesters – no more 5 week grading periods
Thought Exchange Feedback We received 124 comments with 4,181 ratings
Calendar Variations Option A Option B Option C Option A Option B Option C Requires District of Innovation Yes No Start Date August 20 Tuesday August 14 Wednesday August 26 Monday End Date May 22 Friday before Memorial Day May 22 May 29 Friday after Memorial Day Built-In Professional Learning Time 5 6 2 Christmas Break 10 Teachers 12 Students 11 Teachers 13 Students Benefits 1 week earlier start allows to have more even semesters. This calendar ends school before Memorial Day Starts mid-week, allows for short breaks during the semester for students and professional learning for teachers. This option offers the most balance of the semesters. This calendar has a late August start and looks most like our calendar for this year.
Option A Requires District of Innovation Yes Start Date August 20 Option A Requires District of Innovation Yes Start Date August 20 Tuesday End Date May 22 Friday before Memorial Day Built-In Professional Learning Time 5 Christmas Break 10 Teachers 12 Students Benefits 1 week earlier start allows to have more even semesters. This calendar ends school before Memorial Day
Option B Requires District of Innovation Yes Start Date August 14 Option B Requires District of Innovation Yes Start Date August 14 Wednesday End Date May 22 Friday before Memorial Day Built-In Professional Learning Time 6 Christmas Break 11 Teachers 13 Students Benefits Starts mid-week, allows for short breaks during the semester for students and professional learning for teachers. This option offers the most balance of the semesters.
Option C Requires District of Innovation No Start Date August 26 Option C Requires District of Innovation No Start Date August 26 Monday End Date May 29 Friday after Memorial Day Built-In Professional Learning Time 2 Christmas Break 10 Teachers 12 Students Benefits This calendar has a late August start and looks most like our calendar for this year.
Survey Results
Instructional Calendar 2019-2020 School Year