Grit and Growth Mindset Part 1
Puzzle Students: silently and independently draw the shape below “WITHOUT PICKING UP YOUR PENCILS AND DRAWING THE SAME LINE TWICE”. You have 3-4 minutes to attempt this and do not collaborate. :)
Puzzle Solution Click here for solution Questions for the class: Did you attempt the puzzle? Did you solve the puzzle? About how long did it take? Did you fail to solve the puzzle? Did you use all of the available time? If you gave up early, how long did you work?
Grit Video Watch this video on grit: _of_passion_and_perseverance What is grit? Your level of courage and resolve. Grit is a combination of passion, resilience, determination, and focus that allows a person to persevere in their goals even in the face of discomfort, rejection, and a lack of visible progress for years, or even decades. Grit is persevering in the face of difficulty and not giving up! Studies have shown that grit is a better indicator of success than GPA and graduation rates, even IQ. Discuss this! How interesting! Teachers, share if you have had a student who was extremely bright, yet failed--or a student who had grit and was determined to succeed even though not the brightest student (keeping confidentiality)
Do you have Grit? Discussion Do you give up easily? Did you give up easily trying the puzzle earlier? Do you see obstacles as challenges to overcome? Are you a hard worker? Do you finish what you begin? Do you start projects and not complete them? Do you lose interest in projects easily? Talk with your class about grit and if you think you have it. Who do you know who is “gritty?” Think of some examples. Could be someone you know personally or someone famous.
Continuing We will continue our discussion on Grit this Thursday!!