Tuesdays with Morrie Medical unit By Mitch Albom
Wednesday February 15th The Curriculum, The Syllabus, The Student Pgs. 1 – 17 If today was your last day on this earth, what are the top five pieces of advice about life you would offer someone? (5 minutes) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Morrie: Lessons on living The ABC Interview with Ted Koppel - Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcnL2o38 5Gw Koppel asks Morrie, “9 million people are watching your right now are saying, ‘What can this old guy tell me, when I get to a similar part [of my life]?’” As you view, collect Morrie’s advice for dealing with a fatal diagnosis.
Morrie’s advice Talk about it, don’t hide in the corner, don’t try to conceal it because all that does is destroy your self-esteem. Accept it. You are a disabled person Keep an open heart and open it up further and further. Be alert and aware to the things that interest you and go for it. Be involved. Be compassionate – to yourself and other people. Treat yourself gently. Be kind to yourself.
Journal #1 Today’s Target Question 1. Why do you think Mitch Albom writes small flashbacks into his story? What purpose do they serve? How do these flashbacks effect the book’s structure, voice, and tone? Albom says “…I buried myself in accomplishments, because with accomplishments, I believed I could control things… before I got sick and died…” Have you ever tried to control things in your life, out of fear? Where did that get you?
Tuesdays with Morrie The Audiovisual, The orientation, The classroom pgs. 18-40 Journal #2: Think of a time when your life was a “series of pulls back and forth” (when you wanted to do one thing but you were bound to do something else). Describe the situation. Which side won?
Reflection Morrie’s condition worsens, but his mind remains sharp. He starts to write aphorisms, or sayings, that reflect his views on life. One of them reads, “Accept the past as past, without denying or discarding it.” Another says, “Learn to forgive yourself and forgive others.” Create two aphorisms of your own, little one-to-two-sentence sayings that reflect your views of life (you may use aphorisms that have already been created by other people, but be sure to give credit to the originator of the aphorism. After each one, write why that aphorism is important to remember.
Reflection What does Morrie mean by, “The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And we have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn’t work, don’t buy it”? How can people do this? “…the culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. We’re teaching the wrong things. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn’t work, don’t buy it. Create your own. Most people can’t do it. They’re more unhappy than me – even in my current condition.” -Morrie pgs. 35-36