SAMPLE Scheduling Process for New referrals Date: August 2017 ( AG, Clinic Administrator Senior Leader Sponsor) Aim Statement Lessons Learned Aim: To get patients called and scheduled for first diabetes education class in a timely manner after referral received. Have warm handoffs when possible. Run Charts A dedicated scheduling person is needed to schedule patients in a timely manner. Worklist log is needed to track when patients have been called and sent letters when not able to contact patients by phone. Patients are being contacted within 10 – 14 days of receiving referral. Why is this project important?: It is important for patients to begin their diabetes education classes as soon as possible after being referred to ensure that they are using their medications as directed, monitoring their glucose appropriately, following a healthy diet and being active. SAMPLE Recommendations and Next Steps Changes being Tested, Implemented or Spread Will continue to utilize Shannon as administrative person to contact patients for initial class. Patients info will be entered on worklist log to track when patients have been called and if a letter is needed when unable to contact by phone. Would like to have patients called in less than 10 days. New patient referral faxed to department. (I) Shannon will collect new referrals and call patients to schedule for first class. (I) When a new patient is in the S street clinic patient will be introduced to Shannon for warm hand off when possible. (I) Patients information is entered on to worklist for tracking. (I) Providers are being notified when patients refuse education or no show their classes or are unable to contact. Goal: call patient for first class within 10 days 25 referrals total for month of November 16 called within 10 days 3 called with 14 days 4 Did not record date of first call 14 Scheduled for diabetes education 1 non compliant 1 refused 9 Unable to contact Team Members MF, DE, SH, JB