SFAR 88 (EAPAS) Workshop Talking Points Issue: Whether to proceed with rulemaking to require additional Flight Data Recorder (FDR) parameters to monitor the Boeing 737 rudder system on the existing fleet. About the existing and proposed FDR Rules (FAR 121.344 & FAR 125.226) (This is from a simplified rudder system perspective) All airplanes manufactured after August 19, 2002 will have: Rudder pedal position Rudder surface position Rudder pedal force (allows determination of whether pilot was making the input to the system) All airplanes manufactured before this are required to have only: The revised FDR FARs would require retrofit of additional parameters, unique to 737s: Rudder pedal force Yaw damper status (ON/OFF) Yaw damper command Standby rudder status [737NG airplanes currently being manufactured have all of these parameters recorded] November 2002
FAA Objectives To facilitate development of required fuel tank system safety assessments (SSAs) Promptly review and approve SSAs Determine requirements for design changes Timely review and approval of operator proposed maintenance program changes to enhance fuel tank system safety
FAA aggressively working with industry FAA Current Effort FAA aggressively working with industry Seminar on Nov. 19, 2002 Harmonization Compliance planning FAA aggressively working with industry Seminar planned with industry on Nov. 19, 2002 Discuss FAA criteria for determination of unsafe condition R&D effort to reduce flammability Development of database to facilitate operator compliance planning (database contains or references location of FAA approved fuel tank system limitations (maintenance and inspection requirements)) Harmonization of requirements effort with other civil aviation authorities Working with (multitude of meetings) design certificate holders regarding safety assessment due Dec.6, 2002 and operators plans for changing maintenance programs by June 7, 2004