Natural User Interaction with Perceptual Computing Seth Gibson Dev Lead - Apps and Software Prototypes Perceptual Computing
What Is Perceptual Computing?
What Is Perceptual Computing? Bringing Human Senses To The Computer
What Is Perceptual Computing? Bringing Human Senses To The Computer Interact w/ Tech Like We Interact w/ People
What Is Perceptual Computing? Bringing Human Senses To The Computer Interact w/ Tech Like We Interact w/ People Intel’s Natural User Interaction Platform
The Perceptual Computing SDK
The Perceptual Computing SDK 2D and 3D Positional Tracking
The Perceptual Computing SDK 2D and 3D Positional Tracking Static Pose and Dynamic Gesture Detection
The Perceptual Computing SDK 2D and 3D Positional Tracking Static Pose and Dynamic Gesture Detection Face Tracking and Recognition
The Perceptual Computing SDK 2D and 3D Positional Tracking Static Pose and Dynamic Gesture Detection Face Tracking and Recognition Voice and Speech Recognition
The Perceptual Computing SDK 2D and 3D Positional Tracking Static Pose and Dynamic Gesture Detection Face Tracking and Recognition Voice and Speech Recognition Total Immersion Augmented Reality Object Tracking
The Perceptual Computing SDK 2D and 3D Positional Tracking Static Pose and Dynamic Gesture Detection Face Tracking and Recognition Voice and Speech Recognition Total Immersion Augmented Reality Object Tracking C,C++,C#,Java,processing,openFrameworks,Cinder,Unity,Havok,Bullet,etc…
Perceptual Computing and Unity
Perceptual Computing and Unity – Features Hand, Finger, and Head Tracking
Perceptual Computing and Unity – Features Hand, Finger, and Head Tracking Gesture and Pose Recognition
Perceptual Computing and Unity – Features Hand, Finger, and Head Tracking Gesture and Pose Recognition Voice Recognition / Command and Control
Perceptual Computing and Unity – Features Hand, Finger, and Head Tracking Gesture and Pose Recognition Voice Recognition / Command and Control Total Immersion AR Object Tracking
Perceptual Computing Demos
Perceptual Game Design
Perceptual Game Design Experience First!
Perceptual Game Design Experience First! Augment, Enhance, !Replace
Perceptual Game Design Experience First! Augment, Enhance, !Replace Consider both in-game and out-of-game application
Perceptual Game Design Experience First! Augment, Enhance, !Replace Consider both in-game and out-of-game application Valve’s Approach To Playtesting, Ambinder 2009
Perceptual Game Design Experience First! Augment, Enhance, !Replace Consider both in-game and out-of-game application Valve’s Approach To Playtesting, Ambinder 2009 How Valve Measures Physiology to Enhance Gaming Experience, Ambinder 2011
Perceptual Game Design Experience First! Augment, Enhance, !Replace Consider both in-game and out-of-game application Valve’s Approach To Playtesting, Ambinder 2009 How Valve Measures Physiology to Enhance Gaming Experience, Ambinder 2011 Perceptually Enabled Design and Development, Cooksey 2013 Questions, Comments, Diatribes? Questions, Comments, Diatribes?