Understanding Today’s Generations
Who makes up the different generations? Lost Generation: born about 1883-1900 (Interbellum Generation): 1900-1910 Greatest Generation: 1911-1924 Silent Generation: 1925-1945 Baby Boom: 1946-1964 Generation X: 1965-1983 Whatever you are: 1984-? (these are rough markers only—some researchers disagree on these periods)
But there are subsets, too . . . MTV Generation (about 1975-1985)—this is a subset of Gen X, for example MTV Generation is characterized as skeptical, tech-savvy, immune to sales pitches And the MTV Generation is divided further into the Doom Generation—yes, after the video game—the kids (like me) who grew up in the 1990s
Generational Markers: A Sampling Greatest Generation Baby Boom Generation Generation X Great Depression Electrification World War II Cold War Civil Rights War on Poverty Race to Space Assassinations Vietnam Impeachment AIDS Video Games Homelessness Berlin Wall Technology Diverse Latchkey Kids Downsizing
Characteristics of Generations How do we characterize their values? How do they ‘like’? What about buying? Greatest Patriotic Loyal Prudent I like it It’s okay Quality first Buy American Baby Boom Idealistic Competitive Revolutionary Should I really like it? Will others? Prestige first Foreign is better Gen X Skeptical Resourceful Independent I like it, I don’t care what you think Cheap: value added (Supersize Me)
Characteristics of Generations What about relationships? On Balance… And Community? Greatest Personal Sacrifice Don’t quite get it Must join the Rotary Baby Boom Personal Gratification Balance is important, but difficult Rotary is a bore Gen X Reluctant to Commit Want balance now What is the Rotary and who cares?
Characteristics of Generations On Religion: On Exercise: On Homes: Greatest I care about religion Exercise is an option Buy a decent home Baby Boom Religion is a hobby Exercise is a duty Buy the most house you can Gen X What is religion? Exercise is for mental health Reclaim the inner city
Characteristics of Generations Value in Organization Who leads them? How do they see their leaders? Greatest Loyalty, Similarities, Relationships By Hierarchy Respectful Baby Boom Profitability, reputations, “Sink or Swim” By Consensus Love/Hate Gen X Stimulation, Balance, Feedback By Competence Unimpressed, Unintimidated
Characteristics of Generations Work Ethic: Greatest Work hard, save money, what is play? Baby Boom Work hard, play hard, worry about money Gen X Work hard if it doesn’t interfere with play, save money