Cowan Civic Center 500 East Elm Lebanon, Mo
Convention Theme Public Service and Emergency Preparedness Convention Dates and Times November 8-9, 2013 Friday November 8 th 8AM exhibition hall available for commercial vendor/manufacture set up 12 noon W1AW/0 Special Event Station On-The-Air 12 noon outside flea market (tail-gating) opens 6PM Evening Events 8PM Doors close Saturday November 9 th 7AM open for commercial vendor/manufacture access and setup 7AM open for non-commercial table sales setup Outside free tail-gating flea market area open all day 8AM Opening Ceremonies in the Convention Theater 0830 Public access to exhibition hall open 0830 Indoor non-commercial tables open to the public 0830 All three Forums and Theater events begin 4PM Convention Close and vendor/manufacture break-down Convention Location Lebanon, Missouri Convention Venue Cowan Civic Center Free Access to All There is NO charge to enter and attend the convention There is NO charge to commercial vendors and manufactures for display space There is NO charge to outside flea market area There will be NO charge to overnight campers and motorhomes There is NO parking fee/charge for convention attendees
Special Activities Public Service and Emergency Agency Displays VE Testing Technology, Dxing, Emergency Preparedness Forums KCDXC Famous CW Contest Vintage Radio Beauty Contest W1AW/0 Special Event Station; operating Friday and Saturday, ICOM donated radios Hourly and Grand Prize Drawings Forums that include technology, Dxing, and Emergency Preparedness Special Guests will include K1ZZ ARRL CEO, K0CA ARRL Midwest Director Bob Heil, Heil Sound, Bill Pasternak, Gordon West, Carole Perry Ray Novak ICOM, Gordon Hardman W0RUN ALPHA Missouri State Representatives Forum speakers that include Amateur and non-Amateur experts Many commercial vendors and manufactures Amateur Radio Public Service and Emergency Preparedness Associated Radio will be selling major Amateur Radio brands
46,000 Square Feet Auditorium Large customer parking lot 1500 parking spaces Convenient/Special parking for commercial vendors and manufactures Free separate outside parking area for flea market space Will provide free overnight camper parking Convenient Entry for Vendors and Manufactures Accommodates easy access to load and unload Two large over-head entry doors with drive-in access Can drive to the display area to load and unload Convenient hotel and restaurant locations 75 conveniently located restaurants close to the convention center 20 hotels located near the convention center Easy access to power 120vac 240vac Professional Security Services Provided Free Internet Access Commercial food vendor
46,000 Square feet of space
Three professionally equipped rooms Each room seats up to 70 people Professional audio, video, and slide presentation technology Easy access and entry from the convention foyer and auditorium Rooms will be set up in a classroom format Forum Topics and Speakers Antenna and Station Grounding by W8JI Dxing Techniques by K5UR Remote Operations of an Amateur Radio Station by W4WT D-STAR by K0GOB and WB0IIS Youth Program by Carole Perry WB2MGP Audio Techniques by Bob Heil K9EID HK0NA Dxpedition by W0GJ QRP Association by KC0PP Joplin disaster and ARES by AC0HA Antennas for restricted areas by AC0C ARRL Forum and Q&A Session by K1ZZ and K0CA Alpha Amplifier technology by W0RUN from RF Concepts (ALPHA) SDR by Tony Parks SEMA And FEMA Gordon West TBD
Professionally Equipped Audio, Video, TV and Radio link Internet link Latest in acoustical technology Seats 700+ Will be utilized for Special Presentations Opening Ceremonies Missouri State Representatives; State Proclamation of Amateur Radio Week K1ZZ ARRL CEO Welcome Bob Heil, Heil Sound Gordon West Astronaut Presentation We are working diligently to have an Astronaut attend