Overview of Bible Prophesy - not exhaustive Only Jehovah knows and holds the future Answering The Call To Worship Matthew 2:1-2 1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. Brother Tim Cross Sunday, December 30th 2018 The Subject is Prophecy
Answering The Call To Worship His Wonders To Perform 58-0112A 21 ….Then we see that they were led by a mysterious light that they called a star. And a star is only an object of light. It’s in no certain shape, just a missile in the air. And as they were led, this thought come to me, “And the children of Israel were led by a mystic light.” In Exodus 13 we read it, that there was a Pillar of Fire that went before them to lead them to the promise that God had given them. 12-30-2018 Answering The Call To Worship
Answering The Call To Worship His Wonders To Perform 58-0112a 36 And finally they came to Jerusalem. And when they hit Jerusalem, they knowed He was a Jew, and they thought that surely He’d be borned among the celebrity, if He was to be King. And surely, if He was to be religious, He would come to the great Vatican City, as it was, the great temple of Solomon. But notice (Oh, bless His holy Name.), as they entered Jerusalem the star went out. God doesn’t dwell in the fantastics of this world. And down through the city they went, these wealthy men, those eastern camels all decorated up, great tassels and tapestries a hanging from them. And these royal dressed Magis crying through the night, “Where is He that’s born King of the Jews?” … 12-30-2018 Answering The Call To Worship
Answering The Call To Worship His Wonders To Perform 58-0112a Notice. Then holler about the Magi… The scholar, the teacher, the college professors, the priests, the rabbis, they had no answer. And so is it today. They had no answer for them. And as they went, it must’ve got a row stirred. They said, “But we have seen His star in the east, and we’ve come to worship Him.” Two years journey through the deserts and swamps and valleys and mountains, “We’ve come to worship Him, oh, tell us where He is.” 37 So is it the cry of the hungry hearts today, “Where is that Jesus that’s the same yesterday, today, and forever? We have felt His Spirit on us and we’ve come to worship Him.” … 12-30-2018 Answering The Call To Worship
Answering The Call To Worship His Wonders To Perform 58-0112a The big schools and colleges doesn’t always have the answer to this question. They didn’t that day, and many doesn’t today. The great high towering steeples, the great plush seats, you know, let’s find Him somewhere down in a little mission somewhere. 12-30-2018 Answering The Call To Worship
Answering The Call To Worship Show Us The Father And It Will Suffice Us 62-0722 42 Then I happened to look. And where the sun come out, and the evergreens had froze, that cold wind, there was a rainbow across the canyon. I said, “There He is in the rainbow. Amen. There He is. There’s the covenant. He will never destroy it again with water. He promised it.” And a rainbow also is, Revelations 1, where over the Son of God; and over the church, the seven golden candlesticks, was a rainbow. He was to look upon as jasper and sardine stone, the First and the Last, He that was, which is and shall come. O my, my, my. Everywhere you look, you can see God if you’ll just open up your eyes. Look around. He’s everywhere. … 12-30-2018 Answering The Call To Worship
Answering The Call To Worship Show Us The Father And It Will Suffice Us 62-0722 43 I was standing there, and all at once a little old pine squirrel… How many of you Oregon people know what they are? He’s the blue coat policeman of the woods, but all noise and no squirrel. He jumped up on there and went, “Chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter. Chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter.” And I thought, “What’s the matter with you, little fellow? I’m not going to hurt you.” So then the rainbow, I looked at it again, and I said, “Glory to God,” and around and around the tree I went just as hard as I could go, shouting. And he just looked at me, and just “Chatter, chatter, chatter.” … 12-30-2018 Answering The Call To Worship
Answering The Call To Worship Show Us The Father And It Will Suffice Us 62-0722 I thought. “Did I excite you? I’m worshipping your Creator. You don’t like that? Let me show you how it’s done again,” and around the tree I went again. If… They’d have thought they had somebody out there was out of the insane institution, I guess, if somebody was… I didn’t care. I was worshipping God. I saw Him, I heard Him everywhere. You can see Him if you’ll just look around. He’s real. … 12-30-2018 Answering The Call To Worship
Answering The Call To Worship Show Us The Father And It Will Suffice Us 62-0722 And I was around and around that tree as hard as I could go, and praising God, and throwing up my hands, and hollering, “Hallelujah.” Stomping the ground around and around the tree I went again, like an insane person, but I was having a—letting off a lot of steam. I was having a good time. I thought, “Oh, it’s good to be here. ‘Let’s build three tabernacles.’ Let’s just stay up here, a wonderful place to be in the Presence of God, in His universe.” Watch Him in His universe, His sunset, His rainbow, the call of the elk. Here, everywhere, there’s God. 12-30-2018 Answering The Call To Worship