Component One: Christianity
Who Is Jesus Christ? - Questions 1. Where did Jesus live? 2. How was Jesus killed? 3. What does the word ‘gospel’ mean? 4. The Gospels were written to engender ________ in Jesus as Messiah 5. Which Gospels are known as the synoptic Gospels? 6. Which two gospels have a birth narrative? 7. Which Gospel is generally regarded as being the first Gospel written? 8. Why is Jesus referred to as ‘Jesus Christ’ 9. What was one factor leading to the Romans wanting to crucify Jesus? 10. Who was the most unlikely figure to join the Christian movement in its early phase?
Starter – The Walking Chocolate Bar Divide you paper into eight squares. Ask 8 different members of the class to tell you one thing they know about CHRISTIANITY. Record each answer on a separate square. Feedback - make notes
Specification – Component 1: Christianity Theme 1: Religious Figures and Sacred Texts AO1 – Knowledge and Understanding AO2 – Issues for Analysis and Evaluation A Jesus – his birth The extent to which the birth narratives provide insight into the doctrine of the incarnation. The relative importance of redaction criticism for understanding the biblical birth narratives. B Jesus – his resurrection The nature of the resurrected body. The historical reliability of the resurrection. C The Bible as a source of wisdom and authority in daily life. The relative value of the Bible as teaching on the meaning and purpose of life. The extent to which the Psalms studied offer a guide to living for Christians.
By the end of today’s lesson you will: Know Matthew’s narrative of the birth of Jesus. (Matthew 1:18-2:23) Be able to define the following key terms: Gospel Messiah Jesus Immanuel Magi Prophet/prophecy
Spec check – Component 1: Christianity Theme 1: Religious Figures and Sacred Texts AO1 – Knowledge and Understanding AO2 – Issues for Analysis and Evaluation A: Jesus – his birth Consistency and credibility of the birth narratives (Matthew 1:18-2:23; Luke 1:26-2:40) Harmonisation and redaction Interpretation and application of the birth narratives to the doctrine of the incarnation (substantial presence and the kenotic model) The extent to which the birth narratives provide insight into the doctrine of the incarnation. The relative importance of redaction criticism for understanding the biblical birth narratives.
Jesus – The Birth Narratives On your mini-whiteboard, draw the ‘nativity’. You have two minutes Go! 2 minutes
These things are NOT mentioned in the birth narratives! Last one standing! Everyone stand up! Sit down if you have NOT drawn … Baby Jesus A star Shepherds A manger Wise men Mary Sit down if you HAVE drawn … A stable A donkey Three kings These things are NOT mentioned in the birth narratives! Joseph Angel(s) Gifts for Jesus Sheep King Herod A house Compare your nativity scene with your ‘elbow buddy’. Have you drawn the same things? Discuss why this might be. Have you drawn anything additional to the things listed? If so, what?
The birth of Jesus The first four books of the New Testament of the Bible are called the Gospels. Can you name them? The word ‘Gospel’ means ‘good news’. The Gospels are a record of the life and teachings of Jesus. Only two of the Gospels, Matthew and Luke, record Jesus’ birth. Their accounts are known as the birth narratives.
Matthew 1:18 – 2:23 Matthew’s version of the birth narratives focuses on Joseph. Most scholars believe it was written between A.D. 80 and 90. Follow the story of Jesus’ birth in Matthew’s Gospel (p8-10 of your workbook) as you watch the upcoming video. After each clip, there will be questions for you to discuss. Annotate the text from Matthew’s account based on class discussion/feedback.
Matthew’s Account Matthew 1:18-24 - Joseph accepts Jesus as his son (play from 4:12) What does ‘Messiah’ mean? How did Mary become pregnant? What would have happened to Mary had Joseph made public that she was pregnant? How did Joseph find out how Mary became pregnant? What does the name ‘Jesus’ mean and why was Mary’s son to be called this? What is a ‘prophet’? Who gave the prophecy about a virgin having a baby? What does ‘Immanuel’ mean? Why is this significant? 1. Hebrew for ‘anointed one’. In the OT, prophets, kings and priests were anointed with oil when given these positions of responsibility. It was a sign that God had chosen them for that particular role. The Jews has read the prophecies in the OT about God sending a deliverer to save his people. (They were expecting a warrior who would deliver them from Roman rule … )
Matthew’s Account Matthew 1:18-24 - Joseph accepts Jesus as his son (play from 4:12) What does ‘Messiah’ mean? The promised one How did Mary become pregnant? Through the Holy Spirit What would have happened to Mary had Joseph made public that she was pregnant? Public disgrace How did Joseph find out how Mary became pregnant? An Angel appeared in a dream What does the name ‘Jesus’ mean and why was Mary’s son to be called this? Saviour – because Jesus will save people from their sins What is a ‘prophet’? Who gave the prophecy about a virgin having a baby? Someone who foretells the future. Isiah. What does ‘Immanuel’ mean? Why is this significant? God with us 1. Hebrew for ‘anointed one’. In the OT, prophets, kings and priests were anointed with oil when given these positions of responsibility. It was a sign that God had chosen them for that particular role. The Jews has read the prophecies in the OT about God sending a deliverer to save his people. (They were expecting a warrior who would deliver them from Roman rule … )
Matthew’s Account Matthew 2:1-12 - The Magi visit the Messiah (play until 3:16) What are ‘Magi’? Why was King Herod disturbed by the news of Jesus’ birth? Name the prophet who foretold that a new ruler would come from Bethlehem. Over what kind of building did the star stop over which indicated that Jesus was there? What do you think the gifts of ‘gold, frankincense and myrrh’ symbolised? Why didn’t the Magi go back to Herod to tell him where Jesus was? 5. Gold = kingship. Frankincense = A resin that is highly fragrant when burned. Used in worship – Jesus to be worshipped. Myrrh = a spice used in embalming – signified that Jesus was born to die.
Matthew’s Account Matthew 2:1-12 - The Magi visit the Messiah (play until 3:16) What are ‘Magi’? The wise men / Kings Why was King Herod disturbed by the news of Jesus’ birth? Because he was worried that there would be a new King Name the prophet who foretold that a new ruler would come from Bethlehem. Micah Over what kind of building did the star stop over which indicated that Jesus was there? A house What do you think the gifts of ‘gold, frankincense and myrrh’ symbolised? Gold = King, Frankincense = Deity, Myrrh = Death Why didn’t the Magi go back to Herod to tell him where Jesus was? They were warned not to go there 5. Gold = kingship. Frankincense = A resin that is highly fragrant when burned. Used in worship – Jesus to be worshipped. Myrrh = a spice used in embalming – signified that Jesus was born to die.
Matthew’s Account Matthew 2:13-18 - The Escape to Egypt (play from 3:17 -6:16) How did Joseph know to flee to Egypt? Name the prophet who foretold that Jesus would flee to Egypt. Why did Herod order all boys aged 2 years old and under to be killed?
Matthew’s Account Matthew 2:13-18 - The Escape to Egypt (play from 3:17 -6:16) How did Joseph know to flee to Egypt? An Angel appeared to Jesus in a dream to warn him Name the prophet who foretold that Jesus would flee to Egypt. Hosea Why did Herod order all boys aged 2 years old and under to be killed? To Kill Jesus
Matthew’s Account Matthew 2:19-23 - The return to Nazareth (play from 6:16 until the end) How did Joseph know that it was safe to return to Israel? Why didn’t Joseph go back to Judea?
Matthew’s Account Matthew 2:19-23 - The return to Nazareth (play from 6:16 until the end) How did Joseph know that it was safe to return to Israel? An Angel appeared in a dream Why didn’t Joseph go back to Judea? He was told to go to Israel
Plenary The Birth of Jesus in Matthew's Gospel - Kahoot!
By the end of today’s lesson you will: Know Matthew’s narrative of the birth of Jesus. (Matthew 1:18-2:23) Be able to define the following key terms: Gospel Messiah Jesus Immanuel Magi Prophet/prophecy