Disability Awareness Ms. De La O English 9
Pre-Discussion With your table partner, take a moment to discuss what your level of knowledge about various disabilities is
“Johnny Bear” Direct characterization Naturalistic State Powerlessness “Whisky” Is “Johnny Bear” accepted in society?
Activities someone like Johnny Bear may have struggled with…..
ACTIVITY #1 Look at the Chart: Say the COLOR, not the word Left – right conflict Your right brain tries to say the color but your left brain insists on reading the word.
ACTIVITY #2 The person facing the board must describe one of the abstract shape. You may not use the name of shapes The person with their back to the board must draw what is described.
If you take a look at the following picture, let me tell you If you take a look at the following picture, let me tell you ... it is not animated. Your eyes are making it move. To test this, stare at one spot for a couple seconds and everything will stop moving. Or look at the black center of each circle and it will stop moving. But move your eyes to the next black center and the previous will move after you take your eyes away from it....
About your experience… Were any of the activities frustrating to you? Was it frustrating or embarrassing to not be able to complete some of the tasks?
Consider motivation of behaviors Frustration Embarrassment Avoidance Attention Receive some type of reward Communication Sensory stimulation
Models of Disability MEDICAL MODEL – Traditional way our society views disability: Disability is a negative thing. Disability is a personal problem. Curing people or making them seem less disabled will make their problems better. Professionals are the experts on disability.
Medical Model Reflected in History Greek and Roman eras Middle Ages United States Holocaust Greek and Roman eras: People with disabilities were left to die Middle Ages: People with disabilities were tortured United States: Long history of institutionalization Holocaust: Hitler tested out his killing machines on people with disabilities through “euthanasia programs”
Medical Model Reflected in Current Events Telethons and the “charity model” Television and movies Sad, pitiful characters Bad guys and villans Telethons and the “charity model” – people with disabilities are to be cured and pitied
Disability Leaders wanted change 1950s and 1960s experienced civil rights movements of other groups People with disabilities began to rise against the long history of exclusion and institutionalization 1950s and 1960s experienced civil rights movements of other groups – Women’s Movement and the Black Civil Rights Movement People with disabilities were denied many basic civil rights too, and they wanted access to quality education (high school AND college), employment, community living, stores, restaurants, libraries Disability is only a difference, just like gender or race. Being disabled is neither good nor bad; it’s just part of who you are.
Changes Today First Independent Living Center ADAPT Americans with Disabilities Act YO! Disabled and Proud Fighting to keep our rights and services Ed Roberts fought to attend UC Berkeley and live in the dorms, started the first Independent Living Center ADAPT fight for accessible transportation and deinstitutionalization
WHO AM I? I lived from 1882 to 1945. I served for 3 terms as President of the United States and helped pull the country out of the Great Depression. Due to polio, I could not walk unassisted and I felt I had to hide my disability from the American public.
WHO AM I? During A Cross-country Event In May 1995, His Horse Balked At A Rail Jump, Pitching Him Forward Where He Landed Head First. His Injuries Left The Actor Paralyzed, Unable To Use Any Of His Limbs Or Even To Breathe Without The Help Of A Respirator.
WHO AM I? On November 7, 1991, He Retired From Professional Basketball Because A Blood Test Had Shown That He Was Infected With Hiv. He Then Dedicated His Life To Educating People -- Especially Youngsters -- About Hiv And Aids Prevention.
SUMMARY WRITING ANSWER: How could Johnny Bear have been treated differently if people knew more about his disability like they do today?