THE METHODOLOGICAL MEETING OF THE TEACHERS OF ENGLISH the 23rd of November, 2018 “Ion Băncilă” Secondary School, Brăila
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union THE ERASMUS+ PROJECT From “MYTHOS” to “LOGOS”. Educational approaches to the European folk myths and legends DISSEMINATION of the Short-Term Joint Staff Training Event “KICK-OFF ON MYTHS AND LEGENDS” (17th – 19th October, 2018, Athens, Greece) by the teachers Anamaria DUMITRIU and Lavinia ARAMĂ The content of this presentation reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union PROJECT DETAILS Key Action 2: School Exchange Strategic Partnerships project duration: 24 months (01.09.2018 – 31.08.2020) project reference number: 2018-1-EL01-KA229-047701_2 approved budget: 25860 euros Beneficiary: Școala Gimnazială „Ion Băncilă”, Brăila PROJECT COORDINATOR: 2nd Gymnasium of Nea Ionia Attikis, GREECE PARTNER SCHOOLS: Istituto Comprensivo „Marconi Oliva”, ITALY Szkola Podstawowa nr 10 w Rzeszowie, POLAND Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Mario Sacramento, PORTUGAL Școala Gimnazială „Ion Băncilă”, ROMANIA Siauliu Dainu Progimnazija, LITHUANIA
THE VALUE OF TRADITION In a technocratic society, in which cultural heritage is gradually lost, its preservation is imperative. As far as the educational process is concerned, tradition carries an important value content for the new generations in terms of identity and cultural memory.
THE VALUE OF TRADITION The educational policy of the European countries aims at forming new attitudes and perceptions stemming from the general view that all people are equal and should have equal opportunities and liberties.
During the past few years, many European countries have accepted a great number of immigrants and refugees with different cultural origins and mother tongues. Knowledge of the cultures of foreign students could limit prejudices and ignorance and could lead to the common acceptance of different cultural values.
FROM MYTHOS TO LOGOS. THE EXPLOITATION OF FOLK TRADITION IN THE TEACHING PROCESS Based on the above-mentioned theoretical framework, the project aims at emphasizing the role of folk tradition in the educational process, not merely as separate knowledge, but within the framework of an interdisciplinary approach, connected even to teaching subjects with which its relation does not seem obvious.
The imaginary and playful element which characterizes the myths and legends of our people gives our students the opportunity to participate actively in the learning process and enjoy it. This will lead to the creation of an interactive environment of mutual exchange of opinions and extensive discussions and to the liberation of thought and expression.
MYTHOS: FROM ANCIENT TO MODERN TIMES MYTHOS – meanings in ancient Greek: oral speech, discourse, dialogue, order, advice, decision, rumour Other meanings: narration, as figment of human imagination which does not refer to real facts a way of thinking characterized by faith in mythological tradition and supernatural forces
The creation of a myth is a great human achievement, due to human beings’ innate curiosity to learn and to understand themselves and their surrounding world. This purely intellectual need also represents the basis of science, philosophy, art and religion. MYTHOLOGY, the entire mythical tradition, is the first and fundamental way of understanding the world, the primitive human being’s first perception of the world.
TRADITION – FOLKLORE The term TRADITION means bequeathing elements from the past and present to the next generations. Tradition is written and oral. WRITTEN TRADITION - what our ancestors have recorded in writing from the ancient times until today. ORAL TRADITION - the elements handed over from generation to generation, which formed the core of folk culture, as literate people were very few in the traditional framework.
FOLKLORE is the science which studies all the expressions of folk culture, which examines, records and classifies everything that a nation traditionally says and does at a collective level.
FOLK TRADITION MYTHS & LEGENDS LEGENDS are imaginary narrations made up by people. They are based on people’s beliefs about certain places and creatures, which they consider to be real.
INTERDISCIPLINARY TEACHING – HOLISTIC APPROACH TO KNOWLEDGE Our contemporary educational reality requires the invention and application of innovative teaching methods, which: will cultivate self-action, getting students accustomed to “learning how to learn”, will be based on the principles of collaborative learning, interdisciplinarity, holistic approach to knowledge will suppose the use of digital technology.
The interdisciplinary approach gives our students the opportunity to create a unity of knowledge and skills, a holistic perception of knowledge. It also allows them to form their personal opinion on science. According to contemporary psycho-pedagogical research and theories, the methods mentioned above: use and promote special abilities and multiple types of intelligence, motivate students, strengthen students’ efficiency.