Writing and Critical Thinking Pilot in KC Data driven How many KSU coded students SM and FA1 terms? How many online modality? Spring 1 Term pilot begins One class for all “KSU” coded students Todd Holbert Hy-Flex Model
Experiential Learning When did this start in Kansas City? What does it take for an institution to do a high quality job with assessing a student’s experiential learning?
Experiential Learning How many lead faculty does Ottawa have today? In what fields of study do we have lead faculty? What if I studied a different field?
OU Lead faculty Total: 30 lead faculty Areas of Study?
Shift to CAEL The last time the Experiential Learning class was offered was almost 2 ½ years ago, according to Karen Adams. Evaluation of portfolios will no longer be done in-house after December 31, 2012. Dr. Haines charge to make sure we handle experiential learning with academic rigor and quality
Student Options CAEL 100 Develop Your Portfolio for College Credit (DYP) 3 credit hours 0 credit hours This is an instructor-led, online course with weekly assignments. At the end of the course is an optional 2 week facilitated portfolio development workshop. Expect to dedicate 8-10 hours per week to finish assignments and plan on additional hours for building your portfolio. This course delves into experiential learning theory, concepts, and models This is a self-paced online course that students can take at any time from a computer or tablet with an Internet connection. The course consists of 8 modules that can be completed in 4-6 hours. Students should expect to spend 10-20 hours to research and develop the materials for the portfolio. The first two modules of the DYP course for are available online free. Start Monthly Start any time Cost: $500 Cost $129
What will students see?
CAEL The Council For Adult & Experiential Learning Adult Learners in a Changing Landscape
What is CAEL? The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) links learning and work. CAEL is a nonprofit that works at all levels within the higher education, public, and private sectors to make it easier for people to get the education and training they need. CAEL is the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning. CAEL’s motto is “Making it easier for people to get the education and training they need.” In short, this means CAEL finds ways to link people’s education to their jobs or future careers. For students attending Ottawa University, they will look to CAEL to receive college credit for work and life experience. Summarized from CAEL’s web site
Purpose of CAEL Advocate for Adult Learners Assist Adult Learners with earning credit for what they already know (not to be confused with life experience) Help higher education institutions retain and graduate more adult learners Military Students Adult Learners Students at the community college level Students with little to no college credit Employers seeking to train/educate employees But CAEL does much more than that. CAEL: Is an advocate for Adult Learners Assists Adult Learners with earning credit for what they already know (not to be confused with life experience) Helps higher education institutions retain and graduate more adult learners Provides active military and veterans students with [ ] Helps adult learners [ ] Graduate Students (A new initiative) [ ] Students at the community college level [ ] Students with little to no college credit [ ] Assists employers seeking to train/educate employees
Facts About CAEL Utilize CAEL and earn credit Transfer up to 40 credit hours to Ottawa from CAEL Better communication strategies between students, institutions, and CAEL Here are some facts about CAEL and how it works. Students can attend CAEL and earn credit without being affiliated with a higher education institution Students can transfer up to 40 credit hour to Ottawa from CAEL (The amount of credit hours transferred is determined by the university) CAEL is currently trying to establish better communication strategies between, students, institutions, and CAEL. CAEL is currently working with various employers to ensure their employees have the necessary skills/qualifications [Should mention being accredited through ACE here?] Working with various employers
CAEL Process Start to Finish Contact your CAPS advisor 1.Contact your CAPS advisor and let your advisor know you are interested in pursuing college credit through CAEL Student can work solely with CAEL in order to obtain credit Student can be affiliated with Ottawa and CAEL at the same time
CAEL Process Start to Finish Take the CAEL 100 for 3 credits, or the non-credit course and create your portfolio(s) 2.Take the CAEL 100 course and create your portfolio(s) Student must take the CAEL 100 course or the non-credit version of the Portfolio Development class, in order to create their portfolio(s) Create a portfolio to document your knowledge.
CAEL Process Start to Finish Submit portfolio for review by an expert evaluator for approval 3.Submit your completed portfolio for review by an expert evaluator for approval Once the portfolio(s) has been created, it is then sent on to an expert evaluator (this evaluator holds the minimum of a Master’s degree in a particular area of expertise) The expert evaluator can request corrections be made and/or may even determine that a student must start over on their portfolio (This currently requires students to pay the $250.00 fee again – this strategy is still up for discussion)
CAEL Process Start to Finish Receive credit recommendation by ACE 4.Credit recommendation by CAEL Documented on ACE transcript.
CAEL Process Start to Finish Send transcript to Ottawa University 5.Send transcript to Ottawa University The student pays a $40.00 fee to have the transcript sent to Ottawa University
Benefits for Students Cost Effective for students and companies offering tuition assistance More course options Creates consistency among colleges Transferability between institutions becomes easier Ottawa saves money and time on expert evaluators Partner Plus Program - CAEL 100 course These students may be more likely to enter a graduate program Cost Effective for students and companies offering tuition assistance More course options Creates consistency amongst colleges Transferability between institutions becomes easier Ottawa University is currently the only college in Kansas partnered with CAEL Ottawa saves money and time on expert evaluator These students may be more likely to enter a graduate program
Cost $500.00 for-credit CAEL 100 course through CAEL $129 non-credit course, “Developing your Portfolio” course $379.00 (250+129)for up to 15 credit hours earned $40.00 for students to have transcript sent from ACE to an institution of their choice $85.00 per credit hour claimed through CBA, who have already completed OU’s experiential course. $500.00 for the CAEL 100 course through CAEL $129 non-credit course to learn how to develop a portfolio. $250.00 for every 1-15 credit hours earned $40.00 for students to have transcript sent from ACE to an institution of their choice $85.00 per credit hour for credits earned through CBA
Other Ways to Earn College Credit There are other ways to earn college credit in addition to CAEL. CLEP exams DANTES and DD214 (for military) Dual credit and College Board advanced placement exams
Next Steps Contact your CAPS advisor for more information about CAEL and other ways to receive college credit!!