Our 5 year strategy 2018 to 2023 - Where we want to be Purpose: To improve the health and wellbeing of the populations we serve Vision: NELFT will actively shape, develop and deliver, integrated, locality based care for the populations we serve Mission: Best Care by the Best People QI and Continuous Improvement Our Values Through… CQC rating of ‘Good’ and move towards outstanding across the 5 CQC domains Use of Resources rating of 2, achieve financial break even and maintain liquidity Grow turnover as far as market conditions allow, in line with our new commercial framework Make NELFT the NHS employer of choice by engaging with and developing our people What we’ll achieve…
Using our strategy to turn challenges into opportunities STPs & Integration Best Care Best People Finance Identity We know what our challenges are…… Best care: Integrating physical & mental health; Standardising care/reducing variation; Patient centred outcomes Provider integration in BHR through the Provider Alliance Integrated community offer in Waltham Forest Partnerships with community providers Improving mental health services through partnership STPs & Integration …and we’ll use them as opportunities to deliver best care Primary care development in two communities ENABLERS Best People: Leadership competency and capacity developments Identity: Strategic narrative; What people think about us; Promoting our identity Finance: BI system; Commercial framework; Goodmayes redevelopment