Welcome! March 27th, 2017 Monday Do Now Get your folder from the front crate and find your seat Begin working on your Daily Edit paragraph. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find all 10 mistakes in today’s paragraph. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you
Monday March 27, 2017 On March 7, 2002 scientists discover that part of Antarcticas Larsen Ice Shelf had broke away and sent iceberg’s into the Weddell Sea. Experts have different views about what might have caused the collapse of the ice shelf. All there explanations involve a warming trend in temperatures in that region. The broken chunks of the ice shelf was a whopping 650 feet thick and 1,300 square mile. That’s larger then the state of Rhode island!
Welcome Back! Let’s start our new unit… As you might remember, we’re going to be reading a new book: a novel called The Book Thief. But before we begin getting into the book, a few reminders: Remember, you need to get a binder ASAP. For now you can use the binder rings, but I will check on Friday that you have a binder and give you a participation grade for it. Since you have your very own copy of Book Thief, I encourage you to make these copies your own! You can doodle in the margins, scribble, and most importantly – write your thoughts as we read.
First, some background notes… The Book Thief is set in Nazi Germany, 1939. Since it’s been a while since you’ve learned about the Holocaust (and because the book gets into a few specific events during the time period that you may have not heard of), we’re going to take a few background notes. Get out a sheet of loose-leaf paper. The format of these notes is up to you, but if a term is in blue, you need to have it (and the most important information about it) in your notes. Journal Header: Name Date CP10 Block # Book Thief Background Notes
General Info Written by Markus Zusak Born in 1975 in Sydney, Australia Parents raised in Germany during WWII Zusak was inspired by their stories: His mother told him about seeing a group of soldiers marching Jews down a street in her hometown – they were on their way to a concentration camp. As they were walking, she saw an old Jewish man collapse on the street in exhaustion. One young man from her town (a non-Jew) rushed forward, trying to help him up and give him water. The soldiers beat the young man and forced the old man to keep walking. That story gave him the idea for Book Thief, which he published in 2005 Has been on the NYT Bestseller list ever since (that’s a record!) General Info
World War II and Germany Set in Nazi Germany from 1939-1943 in the fictional town of Molching, Germany World War II (WWII) was a global conflict that lasted from 1939-1945 and included a front in Europe and in Asia. Many consider Germany’s invasion of Poland in September 1, 1939 the official beginning of the war. Germany continued to invade and overwhelm European countries including Denmark, Norway, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg.
Concentration Camps About 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, a result of Nazi ideologies. Most were executed in concentration camps. Other ethnic and minority groups were also targeted by Nazi ideologies, including Roma, Slavs, ethnic Poles, the mentally ill and disabled, and homosexuals. A concentration camp is a guarded area for imprisonment or detainment of an unwanted group. The camps had harsh conditions and inmates are often used as slave labor. Individuals were often overworked – even worked to death.
Munich The fictional town of Molching is supposed to be on the outskirts of a real city in Germany called Munich, a city in southern Germany, the capital of the region called Bavaria. Munich was home to extremist politics and the place where Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist Workers Party grew in power. Munich became the headquarters of the NSDAP (the National Socialist German Worker’s Party – which later became known as the Nazi party). Munich was hit by many air raids during World War II. That means that bombs were dropped on Munich by aircraft from the opposition (Allied forces).
nSDAP (AKA The Nazi Party) A political party from 1919-1945 in Germany The Nazi Party advocated “positive Christianity” and the racial purity of the German people (the Aryan race or Northern Europeans) and eradication of groups deemed “unworthy of life” (Jews, ethnic minorities, homosexuals, the disabled, ect.) Adolf Hitler was the last leader of this party. Mein Kampf was Hitler’s political manifesto, which enumerated his beliefs. The swastika is the black spider-like symbol adopted by the Nazis and used on the flag.
The Grim Reaper Narrated by Death, also known as the Grim Reaper: a personification of death, usually depicted as a skeleton, typically wearing a black hood and carrying a scythe (a farm tool that would typically be used by a farm worker to mow long grass or cut or harvest, reap, crops. It consists of a curved blade and a long wooden handle.) Sometimes Grim Reaper is believed to cause a person’s death, while other times the Grim Reaper is believed to simply escort a person who is near death to the afterworld and finalize death.
Freewrite! Below your notes, respond to the following prompt for five minutes (meaning you need at least five sentences for credit! ): What personifications of Death/the Grim Reaper have you seen in movies, cartoons, books, comics, etc.? How is Death usually portrayed in personality? If Death were a person, what do you think (s)he would be like? Evil? Kind? Uncaring? Fair?
The Book Thief Let’s get out our books and get ready to read! Turn to page 6 (the start of the prologue). We’re going to read to page 16. Remember: don’t be afraid to annotate! We’re going to have a few quizzes over the reading, so make sure you mark any parts you think are going to be important, any thoughts you have, ect. As we read: Pay attention to the way Death describes colors – you may want to mark any point where they stand out to you. We’re going to do something with them afterwards
Analyzing Colors Today, you are going to explore the symbolism behind colors that we see every day. As you know, when Death comes for his victims, he sees colors. These colors, as you might imagine, symbolize something important about the emotions or circumstances behind each death. Your task: You and a partner must research each color. (I would recommend Googling “color symbolism” or “color meanings”). Then, you will write down the feelings, moods, emotions and/or purposes associated with each color (find at least two for each color). For example… Green Envy/Jealously, Greed (the color of money), Nature, Growth, Rebirth
Colors in the Prologue Once you finish your color research, you may begin the assignment on the back: In the prologue, Death introduces the three times he comes in contact with the book thief. Each interaction has a specific color. First, describe each meeting, and identify the color that is associated. Then, do your best to infer why that color was seen at that particular point in time, considering the symbolism associated with that color in your research. Be sure to explain your response!