RELAY FOR LIFE ACTIVITIES Mrs. Pace’s Weekly News Week of May 2-6, 2016 What We’re Learning Reading: Story- Winners Never Quit Grammar: End of year Review Word Study: Word endings (nd and nt) Math: End of Year Review Science: Animals-Amphibians Important Dates May 4- Math Fact Check May 12th- Reading Day May 13- Field Day May 23rd- K-2 Talent Show 1:00 May 24th- End of Year Awards 8:30 We have extra yearbooks The price now is $20 and you can purchase them from the office. RELAY FOR LIFE ACTIVITIES Monday- hat day Tuesday- sock day Wednesday- camo day Thursday- pajama day Friday- jersey day Students must pay $1 each day to participate. Kindergarten registration for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year has begun. You can make an appointment in one of two ways: you may visit the district website at or contact Central Registration at 912-754-2530. Appointment slots are available from April 12th through May 5th. Please keep in mind that if you live in Effingham Co and fail to make an appointment during the registration process your child’s enrollment could be postponed until the week of August 8th and may result in a child missing the first several days of school
Ice Cream is sold every Wednesday for $1. Specials Schedule Monday-Art Tuesday- Library Wednesday- Computer Lab Thursday- P.E. (Wear tennis shoes!) Friday- Music Dear Parents: Wow! There are now only four more weeks of first grade! Things have been very hectic for the past two weeks with all of the testing going on in the upper grades. Things have settled down now and it is our turn. Next Tuesday and Wednesday will be our chance to show everyone just how much we have learned in first grade. We will take the ELA/Reading portions on Tuesday and the Math portion on Wednesday. Please make sure that your child gets a good night’s sleep and eats a good breakfast on these mornings. Even though the kids know everything that they need to know, the testing times are quite long and I want them to be comfortable. Remember- Do not stress out! It’s just a show what a genius you are paper!” -Mrs. Pace I do not want students to stress about the end of the year test. In fact, we don’t use the word “test” in our room. It is a “show how smart you are paper!” I tell the students that this is their opportunity to show everyone how much they have learned and what geniuses they are! Don’t forget to check out our class website to see all the fun things we have learned and done this year! Please sign and return this section of the newsletter. Your child will be entered into a drawing for a prize. _____________________________ Student Name Parent Signature Mrs. Pace’s First Grade Class Thought For the Week