The Executive Branch The President of the United States
Warm-up: Look at Article II of the Constitution and see if you can identify these Formal Qualifications for the President: Citizenship Age Residence
Informal Qualifications Experience Political acceptability Personal
III. Selecting the President Original Constitution: Electors from each state voted for 2 candidates, the person who received the most votes was president. The candidate with the second most votes became vice president. 12 Amendment Put the president and vice president on the same ticket. If no candidate receives the majority of the votes the House of Rep. will vote, 1 vote per state.
IV. Presidential Term In Constitution: 22nd Amendment - 1951 4 year term President Washington started a tradition of only serving 2 terms. 22nd Amendment - 1951 President may not serve more than 2 terms. FDR was elected 4 times
Compensation Salary Travel budget Other
The Vice President Qualifications Duties 1. 2. 3. Selection
VI. The Road to the Presidency The Primary – direct Primary 2. Closed primary 3. Open primary Caucus The Nominating Convention
Electoral Votes
Election Day- and the Electoral College History General Election Electors “Winner Takes All” system Electoral college votes needed to win - Problems with the system . . .