Jeopardy Final Jeopardy History Radioactive Alpha/Beta $100 $100 $100 Periodic Table Ions/ Isotopes Radioactive Alpha/Beta $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy
1 - $100 What is an atom? The smallest part of any material
1 - $200 What are the different parts of an atom? Proton, neutron, and electron
1 - $300 What type of diagram do we use today to draw an atom? Modern atomic model (Bohr model accepted)
1 - $400 Who was the scientist credited with the discovery of the electron? J.J. Thompson
1 - $500 What English chemist came up with the atomic model that still mostly stands today? John Dalton
2 - $100 What is the Periodic Table of Elements? A table that holds all elements that have been discovered. Along with their names, atomic numbers, and mass numbers.
2 - $200 How is the Periodic Table organized? It is organized into 18 groups, 7 periods, and 8 families
2 - $300 Who is credited with the creation of the Periodic Table of Elements? Dimitri Mendeleev
2 - $400 What is the element in group 17 and period 4?
2 - $500 What does Vanadium become when alpha decay happens?
3 - $100 What is an isotope? A change in the mass number. Occurs when the neutrons of an atom are changed; more are added or some are taken away.
3 - $200 There are two different types of ions. What are they and how are they different? Cation and Anion. In a cation electrons are subtracted or taken away from the atom. In an anion electrons are added to the atom. This creates a more positive charge or more negative charge.
3 - $300 How are isotopes written? They are written as the element name – mass number. Example: Carbon- 14
3 - $400 Draw Fluorine – 20. P= 9, N= 11, E= 9
3 - $500 P=4, N=5, E=7
4 - $100 Name one radioactive element Uranium, potassium, carbon-14, elements 93-118
4 - $200 Name one of the most radioactive places on earth Fukushima, Japan; Hiroshima, Japan; Chernobyl, Ukraine
4 - $300 List 2 ways that we are exposed to radiation X-rays, Smoking, walking outside, microwaves, cell phones, Sun, etc.
4 - $400 Radiation is measured in microsieverts, about how many microsieverts are in one banana? About 2 microsieverts
4 - $500 About how much radiation are we all exposed to in one years time? About 2,000 microsieverts
5 - $100 There are three different types of radioactive decay, what are they? Alpha, Beta, and Gamma
5 - $200 With an alpha particle what is being changed? 2 protons are being lost and 2 neutrons are being lost. Subtract 2 from the atomic number and 4 from the mass number.
5 - $300 What is being changed in a beta particle? 1 neutron is being pulled out and being changed into 1 proton and 1 electron. Subtract 1 neutron and add 1 proton and 1 electron.
5 - $400 If beta decay happens to an atom of Boron what does it become? What does it look like? (Draw it out) P= 6, N=5, E=6 Carbon-11
5 - $500 What happens when alpha decays happens to an atom of Sulfur? Draw it out. What does it become?
Final Jeopardy How many microsieverts of radiation is a U.S. nuclear power plant employee limited to a year? 50,000 microsieverts a year