Get Your Year Off to a Great Start: Proactive Classroom Management Strategies Callie Janelle Woffinden & Cathy Gilbert, Student Support Coaches Callie Greenfield, PBSES Coordinator
Our plan for today… To provide information about a set of research- based practices that we know improve efficiency and behavior in the classroom. To provide some time to glean the knowledge in the room for implementation of these practices. To provide you time (and hopefully inspiration) to plan for the upcoming year CAllie What I think is important is to convey: These ideas may not be new to you, please share the ways you implement! We want to emphasize that these practices are worth being intentional around and give you time to plan around these ideas.
Proactive Classroom Management Strategies Research-based The biggest bang for your buck Callie Talk about why these things are on the list, how the list was developed, etc. Maybe talk about Clayton Cook and the Natalie book Proactive Our goal is to give you ideas that require the smallest amount of work on your part in order for you to achieve the biggest amount of benefit
The Numbers: = Increased time devoted to instruction and academic engagement Increased time spent on routines, procedures, and social skills 5 minutes per day 10 minutes per day 15 minutes per day 30 minutes per day +15.8 hours per year +30.6 hours per year +46.4 hours per year +92.8 hours per year Calli8e
Why is classroom management challenging? Shelly More of them and only one of you! Peer contagion People do things in the context of groups that they would never do alone. Difficult to please everyone at once. Diverse motives and skill levels
Relationship Greetings at the Door Cathy Cathy Students will need minimal effort to pay attention. There is easy flow in/out of room. Seating arrangement is purposeful. Discuss merits of different styles—what is your purpose! Students and teacher can get what they need with limited distractions.
Relationship 5:1 Cathy
Relationship EMR: Establish, Maintain, & Restore Cathy
Share with neighbors: how do you establish relationships? Cathy More of them and only one of you! Peer contagion People do things in the context of groups that they would never do alone. Difficult to please everyone at once. Diverse motives and skill levels
Set Up Organize a Productive Classroom Flow Independence Sensory Needs Lights Visual Stimulation Technology Cathy
Set Up Organize a Productive Classroom Cathy Students will need minimal effort to pay attention. There is easy flow in/out of room. Seating arrangement is purposeful. Discuss merits of different styles—what is your purpose! Students and teacher can get what they need with limited distractions.
Set Up Visual Schedule CAthy Pictures, particularly for younger students. Provides predictability and structure. Be thoughtful about how to make your schedule predictable, but flexible. Reviewed and referred to I did mine with the students each day (so that I didn’t have to remember to do it before) but it made them very connected to it. I did my schedule from left to right.
What your thoughts and insights about classroom set up? Cathy Take a second to think and jot some notes and then share at your table.
Expectations Develop, post, teach, and review behavior expectations so that they are known by all students. Janelle Talk about how to decide on your expectations, show examples. Draw a GLAD Looks Like/Sounds Like T-chart.
Expectations Janelle
Take some time to make notes about your classroom expectations. Janelle
Expectations Develop, post, teach, and review behavior expectations so that they are known by all students. Janelle Talk about how to TEACH and REVIEW expectations. Describe, model, practice, PRAISE, repeat.
Expectations Put a motivation system to reward desirable behavior in place. Janelle Pass out examples of in class rewards.
Efficient Transitions Plan, Teach, Practice, Reinforce Lining Up Cleaning Up End-of-Day Returning from Recess/Specialist Janelle Same with expectations: Describe, model, practice, PRAISE, repeat!
Quiet Minute Get comfortable in your chair. Stone Cairn Get comfortable in your chair. Take deep breaths in to your belly. Turn off your monkey brain. Repeat: “Be here now.”
Other Transition Ideas Lights off Music Go Noodle
Take some time to think through how you will teach, model, reward, and revisit your expectations this year. Take a second to think and jot some notes and then share at your table. Clear and consistent expectations will make or break your year.
Teaching Call and Response Popsicle Sticks White Boards Turn and Talk Provide students with numerous opportunities to respond to teacher questions Call and Response Popsicle Sticks White Boards Pass out the list of ways to provide lots of opportunities to respond. Turn and Talk
Teaching Mobility & Proximity Teach as if the floor is on fire. Janelle
Teaching Teach, model, and reinforce prosocial classroom skills such as: Following directions the first time, Actively listening, Waiting patiently, Sharing with others. Second Step Janelle 7:30 minutes video
How will you foster active engagement and prosocial skills? Janelle
Effective Cuing System Mac and cheese! Everybody freeze! Whole Brain Teaching Counting Down Bells and chimes Janelle
Have a great school year! Get in touch with your Student Support Coach to follow up on any strategies! Janelle