S.T.A.R. method of Revision From Kelly Gallagher’s book: Teaching Adolescent Writers
S.T.A.R S – Substitute T – Take things out A – Add R – Rearrange A colleague of Kelly Gallagher’s gave it this name – Richard Cornell 4 major ways a writer can transform a piece of writing
Substitute Replace: Overused words Weak verbs with strong verbs Weak adjectives with strong adjectives Common nouns with proper nouns “dead” words Substitute or replace
Take Out Take out: Unnecessary repetitions Unimportant or irrelevant information Parts that might belong in another piece
Add Add: Detail Description New information Figurative language Development Clarification of meanings Expanded ideas
Rearrange Rearrange: The sequence to produce a desired effect The order for a more logical flow
References Teaching Adolescent Writers by Kelly Gallagher