On Thursday, April 24, 2014 at 10 PM, Houstonians will turn out their lights to help the Energy Capital become THE Energy Conservation Capital. Join us. Go Smart. Go Dark. LightsOutHouston.com
WHY LIGHTSOUT HOUSTON? Housekeeping typically turns off building lights at 10 PM. Office workers leaving after housekeeping at 10:30 PM would leave lights on all weekend. By Sunday night most buildings remain 25% to 75% lit. Security/housekeeping will go back up to turn off lights after tenants have left the building. Need to change behavior. LightsOutHouston.com
HOW DOES IT WORK? LightsOut Houston is part of a long-term strategy for Houston to become THE Energy Conservation Capital. The goal is to establish a sustained reduction in the use of non-essential electricity in commercial buildings. This program involves obtaining a pledge by those committed to implementing energy efficiency measures and operating procedures that will lead to a sustainable reduction in electricity consumption. LightsOutHouston.com
THE SIGN COMPETITION A key strategy that spread the word Over 150 signs distributed in 100 buildings Signs posted on websites, elevator lobbies, and Captivate screens LightsOutHouston.com
RESULTS… 90 million square feet committed to maintaining a sustained reduction in the use of non-essential electricity. This equates to 350,000 kilowatt hours or $35,000 saved over one weekend. Annualized, this would be 42,800,000 kilowatt hours or $4.3 million – enough electricity to power 3,140 average Texas homes for a year. At a time when companies are looking for ways to save money, conservation may be the simplest solution yet. LightsOutHouston.com 2013 Darkest Building contest winner – City Administration Building
LESSONS LEARNED Participating property owners and managers are adopting varied energy efficiency measures and operating procedures as a result of this initiative including: Adjusting hours of janitorial staff Training janitorial staff to turn off lights as work is completed Resetting lighting control systems Reviewing lighting schedules Asking vendors and tenants to turn off lights when not in office Reducing hours on interior and exterior lighting systems LightsOutHouston.com
Thursday, April 24, 2014 at 10 PM