Pronoun Usage – Subjective and Objective Case Pronouns
A personal pronoun used as the object of a verb or preposition should be in the objective case. NOTE: the pronouns you and it are the same in the subjective case and objective case. PERSONAL PRONOUNS Subjective Case Objective Case Singular Plural I we you you he, she, it they me us him, her, it them
Use the subjective case for a pronoun that is the subject of a verb Use the subjective case for a pronoun that is the subject of a verb. I carried the groceries home. (I is the subject of the verb carried.) We have been rivals in baseball. (We is the subject of the verb phrase have been.) They were the first ones in line. (They is the subject of the verb were.)
NOTE: To test if a pronoun is used correctly in a compound subject, try each form of the pronoun separately.
EXAMPLE: Dory and (he, him) finished their project. He finished EXAMPLE: Dory and (he, him) finished their project. He finished. (correct) Him finished. (incorrect) Dory and he finished their project. (correct)
EXAMPLE: Sandy and (me, I) scheduled our presentations. Me scheduled EXAMPLE: Sandy and (me, I) scheduled our presentations. Me scheduled. (incorrect) I scheduled. (correct) Sandy and I scheduled our presentations. (correct)
Practice with correct use of subjective case pronouns Practice with correct use of subjective case pronouns. Directions: Choose the pronoun that correctly completes the sentence. Ex. Maria and (she, her) are my best friends. Correct: Maria and SHE are my best friends. She is my best friend.
My sister and (I, me) collect Pokemon cards.
My sister and I collect Pokemon cards. I collect Pokemon cards My sister and I collect Pokemon cards. I collect Pokemon cards. My sister collects Pokemon cards.
Hank and (us, we) are studying for the science quiz after school.
Hank and we are studying for the science quiz after school Hank and we are studying for the science quiz after school. Hank is studying for the science quiz after school. We are studying for the science quiz after school.
While on vacation, Dad and (I, me) visited the Alamo.
While on vacation, Dad and I visited the Alamo While on vacation, Dad and I visited the Alamo. While on vacation, Dad visited the Alamo. While on vacation, I visited the Alamo.
Are (them, they) waiting in line?
Are they waiting in line. They are waiting in line Are they waiting in line? They are waiting in line. If you turn a question into a statement, you can usually “hear” which pronoun form you should use.
John Green and (him, he) are my favorite authors.
John Green and he are my favorite authors John Green and he are my favorite authors. John Green is my favorite author. He is my favorite author.
Use the objective case for a pronoun that is the object of a verb or a preposition. James thanked us for our help. (Us is the object of the verb thanked. Thanked whom? Us) Mari picked her and me for the team. (Her and me are the objects of the verb picked. Picked whom? Her and me) I made these cookies for her. (Her is the object of the preposition for.) Miguel ran against me in the race. (Me is the object of the preposition against.)
NOTE: When a preposition is followed by two or more pronouns or a verb has more than one object (a compound object), try each pronoun alone to be sure that you have used the correct form.
EXAMPLE: Michael played basketball with Damion and (me, I) EXAMPLE: Michael played basketball with Damion and (me, I). Michael played basketball with me. (correct) Michael played basketball with I. (incorrect) Michael played basketball with Damion and me. (correct)
EXAMPLE: Patrick divided the potato chips between (they, them) and (we, us). Patrick divided the potato chips between they. (incorrect) Patrick divided the potato chips between them. (correct) Patrick divided the potato chips between we. (incorrect) Patrick divided the potato chips between us. (correct) Patrick divided the potato chips between them and us. (correct)
EXAMPLE: The waiter brought my brother and (I, me) a pepperoni pizza EXAMPLE: The waiter brought my brother and (I, me) a pepperoni pizza. The waiter brought me. (correct) The waiter brought I. (incorrect) The waiter brought my brother and me a pepperoni pizza. (correct)
Practice with correct use of objective case pronouns Practice with correct use of objective case pronouns. Directions: Choose the pronoun that correctly completes the sentence. Ex. Carrie gave Eddie and (I, me) her new address. Correct: Carrie gave Eddie and me her new address. Ex. I loaned my book about ghosts to (she, her). Correct: I loaned my book about ghosts to her.
Practice with correct use of objective case pronouns Practice with correct use of objective case pronouns. Directions: Choose the pronoun that correctly completes the sentence. Ex. Carrie gave Eddie and (I, me) her new address. Correct: Carrie gave Eddie and me her new address. Ex. I loaned my book about ghosts to (she, her). Correct: I loaned my book about ghosts to her.
Gloria invited Janet and (I, me) to her party.
Gloria invited Janet and me to her party Gloria invited Janet and me to her party. Gloria invited Janet to her party. Gloria invited me to her party.
Send Ann and (them, they) postcards when you arrive in Florida.
Send Ann and them postcards when you arrive in Florida Send Ann and them postcards when you arrive in Florida. Send Ann postcards when you arrive in Florida. Send them postcards when you arrive in Florida.
I met (her, she) and her cousin at the skating rink last night.
I met her and her cousin at the skating rink last night I met her and her cousin at the skating rink last night. I met her at the skating rink last night. I met her cousin at the skating rink last night.
The teacher taught (us, we) about proper pronoun usage.
The teacher taught us about proper pronoun usage. .
Dr. Lorenz gave Kip and (me, I) the medicine for our dog.
Dr. Lorenz gave Kip and me the medicine for our dog. Dr Dr. Lorenz gave Kip and me the medicine for our dog. Dr. Lorenz gave Kip the medicine for our dog. Dr. Lorenz gave me the medicine for our dog.
IXL Practice – Fifth grade, CC IXL Practice – Fifth grade, CC.2 - Choose between subject and object personal pronouns Fifth grade, CC.5 - Compound subjects and objects with personal pronouns Sixth grade, AA.3 - Compound subjects and objects with pronouns Seventh grade, CC.3 - Compound subjects and objects with pronouns Eighth grade, DD.3 - Compound subjects and objects with pronouns