Albert Einstein (maybe) “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein (maybe)
Intelligence: Introduction (I) What comes to mind when you hear “diversity”?
GARDNER’S THEORY OF INTELLIGENCE Dimension Description Example Linguistic Ability to use language Logical Reasoning, numbers, symbols Musical Sensitivity to pitch, tone perceive the visual-spatial world accurately Spatial Kinesthetic Ability to use body coordinated movements Interpersonal Understanding of social interactions Intrapersonal Understanding of self Naturalistic Recognize similarities/diff in physical world
GARDNER’S THEORY OF INTELLIGENCE Misconceptions Strength in a particular intelligence means student will excel on all tasks within that domain Ability is destiny Every student should be taught every subject in eight different ways to develop all types of intelligence Multiple intelligences = Learning Styles Implications … What do you think? Provide students with multiple ways (contexts/ways of thinking) to access content (Hattie, 2011) Offer students multiple ways to demonstrate knowledge and learning (Darling-Hammon, 2010) Use understanding of students’ strengths, needs, and opportunities for growth (Tomlinson, 2014)
STERNBERG’S TRIARCHIC THEORY OF INTELLIGENCE (I) Analytical (componential) Creative (experiential) Practical (contextual) *Prior knowledge For: solving problems, learn new information, making judgments, evaluating, problem solving *Novelty problems Unique situations *Automation Apply learned material to novel situation *Adaptation Adapt to environment *Shaping Change environment *Selection Select new environment
STERNBERG’S TRIARCHIC THEORY OF INTELLIGENCE (II) Content Area Declarative Knowledge Analysis Creative Practical Language Arts Describe Harry Potter Compare the personality of Harry Potter with Ron Weasley Write short story with Harry Potter as main character Describe how you would use Harry Potter’s leadership skills Mathematics Remember formula Distance = Rate X Time Solve word problem using D = R x T formula Create your own math word problem using formula Show how to use formula to estimate driving from 1 city to another Social Studies Remember factors that led to US Civil War Compare arguments of opposing sides in US Civil War Write a page of journal from the viewpoint of soldiers on one side Discuss the applicability of lessons to today’s world Science Name main types of bacteria Analyze how immune system fights bacteria Suggest ways to cope with increasing immunity of bacteria to antibiotics Suggest 3 steps to reduce chances of bacterial infection