Libby Albert Senior Program Specialist United States Department of Agriculture Western Regional Office Food and Nutrition Service 90 7 th Street, Suite San Francisco, CA (415) ext 407
What is Food Security? Access by all people at all times to enough nutritious food for an active, healthy life.
Household Food Security Oregon Source Household Food Security in the US in 2010, USDA, ERS September % 6.1% 7.6%
Food Research and Action Center Seven Strategies to End Hunger by Restore economic growth and create jobs with better wages for lower-income workers. 2.Raise the incomes of the lowest-income families. 3.Strengthen the SNAP/Food Stamp Program. 4.Engage the entire federal government in ending childhood hunger. 5.Make sure all families have convenient access to reasonably priced, healthy food. 6.Strengthen Child Nutrition Programs. 7. Work with states, localities and nonprofits to expand and improve participation in federal nutrition programs.
Child Nutrition Programs Provide a Safety Net Food for Kids During Out of School Time Summer Food Service Program Snacks through the National School Lunch Program CACFP Outside School Care Program CACFP At-Risk Meals
At-Risk Afterschool Meal Program We are in a rural area with high poverty rates and the suppers are serving the needs of students. Many parents are working and they dont get home until late at night. If we didnt have the supper program, kids would go home and eat junk because they are fending for themselves after school Rhonda Hoffine, Food Service Director at North Bend School District
Oregon on the Leading Edge: At-Risk Afterschool Meals Program Source: The Afterschool Supper Program: An Oregon Case Study by Eileen Hyde, Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellow Number of CACFP snacks compared to suppers served in Oregon afterschool programs from Update: 2.1 million meals served in 2010
Fact Sheet Handbook Best Practices Questions & Answers
At-Risk Afterschool Meal Handbook
Meals Available During School Breakfast Lunch Snacks Supper What meals are available when school lets out?
Summer Food Service Program During the school year, tens of thousands of Oregon children depend on free or reduced price meals each day. However, when school ends for the year, so does this important resource. The Summer Food Service Program is meant to help fill that nutritional gap.
Participation in NSLP and SFSP in Oregon Federal Fiscal Year 2011 October 1, 2010-September 30, 2011 Source USDA National Databank 3/16/12 19% of children eligible for free and reduced price meals at school eat summer meals in Oregon.
Outreach Materials Summer Contest Introductory Webinars State Agency Contacts
Outreach Materials Outreach Toolkit Start Up Guide Volunteer Portal Webinars & Webcasts National Hunger Hotline
Outreach Toolkit
FRAC SFSP and CACFP Target Mapper
2011Summer Contest Winners & Finalists by Category
2012 Summer Contest Coming Soon – 2012 Summer Contest Watch for the Announcement During SFSP Kickoff week June 11-15!
2012 Summer Kick Off Week June 11-15, 2012 Goal: To increase awareness of the Summer Food Service Program, to promote the program, to inform children and families of where sites are in their communities Looking for everyone to be involved promoting the program this week! Highlight your sites already open Host kick off ceremonies for sites opening this week Promote sites that will open later in the summer
Summer Food for Children Demonstrations 2010 Extending Duration of SFSP Providing Funds for Enrichment Activities 2011 Meal Delivery Backpack Programs WIC EBT SNAP EBT (OR) 2012 Continue and expand SNAP EBT and WIC EBT 2011 projects For more information on the USDA Demonstration Projects visit:
Other Options for Outside-School Hours Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP): Outside-School Hours Care Snacks for Children in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Sumer Food Service ProgramAt-Risk Meals Program (CACFP)
Ending Hunger: We All Need to Work Together! Local Agencies Oregon USDA
What Can You Do? Become a Sponsor Supervise a feeding site (SFSP and At Risk Meals) Oversee activity programs at feeding sites Provide meals to feeding sites, if you have meal preparation facilities Spread the word!
Groups to Contact Oregon Department of Education Mayors Office County Extension Agent Recreation and Parks Department Boys and Girls Club Salvation Army Police and Fire Departments Rotary Clubs, and the like Libraries
Keys to Success Collaboration and Partnerships Creative and fun activities for kids and teens Involve parents Be resourceful and innovative Identify Local Champion(s)
Nutrition Resources
Get Involved Web Pages To stay up-to-date:For quick access to resources:
Stay Connected with FNS FNS E-Updates FNS USDA Blog USDA Facebook Make a commitment to End Childhood Hunger
Libby Albert Senior Program Specialist United States Department of Agriculture Western Regional Office Food and Nutrition Service 90 7 th Street, Suite San Francisco, CA (415)
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