Broward College Dual Enrollment/Early Admission Presentation Presenter- Alin Andre Nova High School
Successful DE Student Self Motivated Mature Resourceful Excellent Time Management Skills Organized Excellent Study Habits Successful DE Student
Dual Enrollment Maximum amount of credits allowed= 11 per term (fall, spring, and summer) Take Classes at Nova High School and Broward College Can start once eligible= 3.0 unweighted GPA + necessary standardized test scores (ACT/SAT or PERT) Must Complete DE/EA Course Selection form every semester
Early Admission Req. Same as D.E Only during 12th Grade YEAR! Req. Same as D.E 12 credits each term (fall & spring) Can increase # of credits Still graduate with Nova High School class!! If student has to return to Nova will receive a full 8 period schedule
Know your WHY!!! Great way to start earning college credits Flexibility Independence Poor grades will impact college admission No longer eligible to continue w/ DE or EA with poor grades FREE tuition and books
Course Selection Students can only select what was originally placed on course selection form Eight course (8) options Visit: for a listing of approved courses. Can select courses once portal opens (TBD each term)
Keep Track of Date(s) All done via portal Consequence for withdrawal from course(s) Drop class instead of failing Withdrawal date available on Portal
Students with Disabilities Must self-disclose to disability office at BC- Provide Plan (IEP/504) BC professor will provide necessary accommodations
Selection of Broward College Courses Early Admission students…freedom!! Dual Enrollment student…must also take classes at Nova High School Selection of Broward College Courses
Times for Classes -Select a time block for BC and/or Nova Classes Example: BC courses will be M, W, & F 8:00AM- 1:00PM (return to Nova to finish day for period 3 & 4 or period 7& 8) Can select Nova High classes in the morning and BC courses after lunch The expectation –Student will be using time wisely when not taking classes at Nova High School If you are on campus, must report to the front office or the Media Center!!! Early Admission student can only be on campus for club meetings and appointments during the school day Must always have Nova and BC ID visible on NHS campus!!
Responsibility Dual Enrollment students must select BC courses when portal opens Must meet with counselor to modify Nova High School schedule (eliminate what you will not take at Nova High) Selection window (TBD)
Things to Remember Login Add/Drop Courses Withdrawal Ordering Textbooks Procedure Transcript Request Process Dual Enrollment Information can be found on Naviance, including approved course list.
Visit: Questions: Visit: GO TITANS!!!