Collaboration of TE-VSC-SCC with straw-material working group NA62 Delphine Letant-Delrieux TE-VSC-SCC NA62 straw working group meeting; D.L.D. Permeation results Surface analysis results
Permeation results: Cu50/Au20 NA62 straw working group meeting;D.L.D.
Permeation results: Cu100/Au20 NA62 straw working group meeting;D.L.D.
Surface analysis results (XPS) NA62 straw working group meeting;W.V. & D.L.D. The coating was done on the untreated side Uncoated samples coming from the beginning of the roll coated by Fraunhofer (C A)
Future activities Permeation (He, Ar and CO 2 ) determination of: Hostaphan RNK 2600 Cu50/Au20 coated 28/10/2010 by Fraunhofer (ongoing) Hostaphan RNK 2600 Cu50/Au20 with welding NA62 straw working group meeting;D.L.D.