Student Accommodation On-campus accommodation Online applications 2nd year and beyond
At the Open Day Take an accommodation tour and look at all accommodation available. Speak to ambassadors about student experience and keep an open mind. Come to the Accommodation stand if you have any additional questions and to collect price list. Stand is located next door.
(single room and laundry) Harris Gloucester Yes £6,480 Room Type Hall Catered * (Monday to Friday; term time only) Annual Charge (UG 40 weeks) Catered En-Suite (single room and laundry) Harris Gloucester Yes £6,480 Catered Standard (single room, wash basin, shared facilities and laundry) Boughey Bradford Ward £5,680 Catered Single – Uni Houses (single room, shared facilities and laundry) Flatt Road Newtown Poultry Drive £5,280 Catered Shared – Uni Houses (shared room, shared facilities and laundry) £4,200 Self-Catered En-Suite (single room with self-service laundry) *bolt-on laundry package available) All Self-Catered Halls (Pitchside and Courtside) No £4,800 Annual charge includes catering, cleaning and laundry (as appropriate) as well as heating, lighting, internet, standard room contents insurance. Residents benefit from out of hours support, 24h security and on-campus parking. Limited number of shorter (36 weeks) letting periods might be available on request for self-catered accommodation only – students expected to vacate in full during Easter vacation period and the university will be unable to provide storage.
Planned refurbishment work: Recent refurbishment work: Boughey Hall: Kitchens and Bathrooms Bradford Hall: Kitchens, bathrooms, communal area Ward Hall: Kitchen and communal area Improvement to CCTV coverage across residential areas Planned refurbishment work: Ward hall: bathrooms Continue CCTV coverage improvement plan Gloucester / Harris halls: improvement of snack kitchens and communal areas Further info on each hall 360 photos of room types Other accommodation info
Things to think about before applying for accommodation Budget Lifestyle Essential and desirable Types of accommodation – order of preference
Applying for accommodation Eligibility: firm offer (conditional or unconditional) Harper Adams as 1st choice Accepted offer on UCAS Unable to apply if Harper Adams is an insurance choice.
Applying for accommodation Shortly after you accept your course offer on UCAS we will send you an invite (via email) to apply for you accommodation online – from end of March 2019, in regular batches. Deferred students need to reapply for accommodation the year they are planning to join us, even if they have applied before. Information, including application step-by-step guide, will be sent to eligible students. The application process takes around 5 minutes.
Accepting your accommodation offer Offers will be made at the end of August. £300 deposit payable as part of accommodation offer acceptance process, which will be refundable at the end of the fixed term licence agreement (minus deductions for damages or other outstanding accommodation charges). Able to pay in one lump sum before registration day to qualify for £100 discount or in termly instalments, scheduled in line with student loan payments.
Important Keep contact details updated with our Admissions team, especially your email address. If possible, avoid using a school email. Let us know if you have medical or other special requirements to be considered during the allocation process. You will be prompted as part of your application and you will need to provide suitable and recent evidence. Disclosing at a later stage means we may not be able to put in place reasonable adjustments If out of the country, when applying, you can get someone else to do it. We cannot accept applications over the telephone or via email.
Prefer to live off campus We are able to assist with finding suitable accommodation off-campus. The earlier you tell us, the better. In the summer , rooms and student houses may be available, which can be circulated to those who express interest as well as details for students wanting to rent with other students. There is no shortage of student rooms/houses available off campus in all year round, although lodgings and smaller flats are limited.
Accommodation in 2nd and beyond Students live off campus in Newport or adjacent villages of Edgmond, Adeney and Tibberton. Rent average £60-£80 exc. bills or £80-£95 inc. bills. Plenty of accommodation available. Majority of accommodation is in houses of 4 and 5 in residential areas. There are also lodgings and some small flats available. 1st year students are not encouraged to sign up for accommodation off campus until at least after Christmas, after we have done our housing forum and details of properties available are published. Year 0 students (Extended Foundation degree) do not automatically qualify for accommodation on campus in the following year, but requests for these and other returning students will be considered subject to availability.
Contact details: Student Services - Accommodation Office 01952 815396 or 01952 815286 Any questions today, visit our stand next door. To visit our accommodation, please ask one of the ambassadors in the yellow/blue tops.