Chapter 7 Lesson 2 Notes
Chart Design Chart design refers to the chart (such as bar or line), the for the chart, and the basic chart style and layout. To change the type of chart, click - Change Chart type data Design Type
Other chart types: Area Charts – show the trend of values over time. XY (scatter) Charts – compares pairs of values. Stock Charts – Displays stock prices Surface Charts – Show trends in values Doughnut Charts – are similar to pie charts, but can contain more than one data series. Bubble Charts – compare sets of three values Radar Charts – Show changes in values relative to a center point Cylinder, cone, and pyramid charts – are used to add a different chart symbol to bar and column charts
Chart Design Design Row/Column Drag Drag Design Select To change the way data series are charted, click - Switch Data charted on the horizontal axis will move to the vertical axis and vice versa. To add or modify data series and labels in an existing chart: one of the handles of the outlined data to include a new series. one of the handles of the outlined labels to include new labels. Select - Data to display a dialog box to Add, Edit, or Remove data and labels. Design Row/Column Drag Drag Design Select
Chart Design Chart is the placement of objects on a chart. Select a chart layout from the Chart Layouts group on the tab. The style of a chart can be easily modified by applying a different chart style from the Chart Styles group on the tab. Layout Design Design
Modifying a Chart Layout Chart layout, including the placement of titles, legends, and labels, is changed using the tab. Gridlines can be modified by clicking - Gridlines and selecting a gridlines option. Layout Layout
Modify Charts Layout Layout Layout Selection To modify the chart wall of a selected chart, click - Chart Wall – More Wall Options. To modify the chart floor of a selected chart, click - Chart Floor – More Floor Options. To rotate an axis of a 3-D chart, click - 3-D Rotation Other chart objects can be modified by clicking the chart object and then clicking Layout – Format . Layout Layout Layout Selection
Formatting a Chart If a chart is to be used in a report or other document, format the chart to the formatting used in the document. Click - Themes to select a theme from the gallery. Changing the theme will change the , , and associated with the chart and worksheet. compliment Page Layout fonts colors effects