Yemen and Sudan Side Event


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Presentation transcript:

Yemen and Sudan Side Event 21 October 2018 Amman, Yemen Annual Global Nutrition Cluster Meeting

Group work


Moving forward – donors’ commitments How increase multi-year & flexible funding to implement the multi-sectoral plan for Yemen? Build on cluster experiences of integrated package Nutrition specific & nutrition sensitive How can we secure predictable, sustained payment for health workers and CHV network? Ongoing discussion on a fund for salaries/incentives How do we advocate for increased access of UN and partners in hard-to-reach and marginalized areas to increase operations/programmes addressing malnutrition across the country? Bringing both parties to the discussion table Lead in could be: TO move forward on these areas, it is important to consider what we have tried to date, what has worked and what hasn't.

Moving forward – UN agencies’ commitments What needs to be done to improve the continuum of care for treatment of acute malnutrition? With a focus on a referral system to and between CMAM programmes How to scale up preventative nutrition interventions given the very low performance and link to treatment? SBCC being developed How to address challenges related to the different modalities of UN agencies? Selection of implementing partners Supplies delivery modalities to the HFs Incentives payments Geographical targeting

Moving forward- NGOs’ commitments How to ensure that NGO projects support (rather than replace) health systems? Capacity building and coordination with MoPHP and ownership by MoPHP What are the ways to increase technical capacity of NGOs without bringing international technical expertise to the country? Difficulties with visas and slots for INGOs and travel for NNGOs What are the opportunities to strengthen continuum of care for acute malnutrition? before moving onto the next slide, which introduces the working groups, you could stop here and ask the room (Yemen country team) are there any additional considerations they would add on what has worked and hasn't, that would be helpful to bear in mind on the working groups?

Group work Examine what has been tried, what has worked and what hasn’t for each question Identify clear next steps to take to move forward for each question this is not about dwelling on the challenges but moving forward! Focus should be on coming up with solutions, not adding to the challenges. Please be as specific as possible: who (names), what, by when, how


Moving forward - Financing What do the Government of Sudan and partners need to do to get additional resources to fund the nutrition HRP ? What are the next actionable steps to fill the critical funding gap? How can we establish funding mechanisms to build for a longer-term comprehensive approach? What does the Government of Sudan need to do and how can stakeholders change the position of the International financing institutions and non traditional donors to mobilize resources for a longer term? What are the next actionable steps to address this?

Moving forward - Multi-sectoral What steps have already been taken by the Government of Sudan? What are the next steps? How can partners support these? How can the nutrition sector work on a multisector integrated package and generate evidence of effectiveness to scale up? Strengthening of information and surveillance to inform programing? What can we learn from other countries about models and approaches for coordinating and implementing the integrated nutrition programs? E.g. Ethiopia, Pakistan, Bangladesh. What are the next actionable steps to move the agenda forward?

Moving forward - Coordination How do we structurally need to configure coordination to bring Nutrition Cluster, development partners and Government / SUN together? What systems need to be put in place and what support will be required to move forward? Under the UNDAF`s collective outcomes “new way working” groups are being established to connect the humanitarian and development programs. How should these be structured and leveraged? How should the SUN coordination mechanism evolve to accommodate the needs? How can sub-national coordination sustained and scaled up?