PLEASE NOTE Due to copyright reasons, the images in this power point have been removed, leaving only the text left over from the slide show. Also please note, other terms and names may have been given verbally by the instructor and were never a part of this slide show. Students are ultimately responsible for taking notes seen in slides, mentioned verbally, images seen in slide shows and in videos. The current 8th edition of Sayre’s A World of Art is the book used in this class for lecture, tests and quizzes. Students may definitely find an older edition of the text is sufficient for them, but please note that images may be numbered differently and appear in different chapters between editions and that older editions may not have 100% all the images the newest 8th edition has. Thank you.
Vanitas – a tradition in which the viewer is reminded of the fragility of life, or mortality. Often, it reminds us not to place too much value in the surface quality of things.
Assemblage – An additive sculpture process in which various and diverse elements and objects are combined.
Additive (sculpture) – in sculpture, the process in which form is built up, shaped, and enlarged by the addition of materials, as distinguished from subtractive sculptural processes, such as carving.
Pop Art - A form of art that depicts objects or scenes from everyday life and popular culture and employs techniques of commercial art and popular illustration, seemingly rejecting historical traditions in art. Because of its subjects and form, the term Low Art often applies to Pop Art. of reproduction or rendering techniques.
Pop art employs aspects of mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and mundane cultural objects. It is widely interpreted as a rejection of the then dominant ideas of Abstract Expressionism as well as an expansion upon them. And due to its utilization of found objects and images it is similar to Dada. Pop art is aimed to employ images of popular as opposed to elitist culture in art, emphasizing the banal or kitschy elements of any given culture, most often through the use of irony. It is also associated with the artists' use of mechanical means of mass production. of reproduction or rendering techniques.
Banal – common place, obvious, boring, lacking originality
Kitsch – tasteless, lacking aesthetic or social taste - tacky, cheap, low-bro - tawdry or vulgar
Kitsch – tasteless, lacking aesthetic or social taste - tacky, cheap, low-bro - tawdry or vulgar
Subtractive Sculpture Carving Relief Additive Sculpture Modeling Casting Assemblage Sculptural Viewing Experience Relief In the round Environments Installations Earthworks
Relief – any sculpture in which the images and forms are attached to a background and project off of it.
Sculpture in the round – a self supporting sculpture that has been finished on all sides, you can walk around it completely, all 360 degrees.
Engaged (Reserved) sculpture – related to very high relief sculpture that remains attached to the wall, stone, source it was carved from. We typically use this term for sculptural/relief works that are very large, similar in scale to human form or larger.
Head of An Oba C12 Court of Benin Nigeria 18th cent. brass, iron Cire-Perdue Lost Wax (Replacement) Method