SLIDE #1 Conducting Successful Club Contests
SLIDE #2 Speech Contests Provide Competitive contest experience. Educational programs. Opportunities to observe proficient speakers.
SLIDE #3 Keys to a Successful Contest Plan ahead for success. Ensure fair, impartial judging. Know the rules.
SLIDE #4 Most Misunderstood Rules Eligibility Originality Humour Props Timing Protests
SLIDE #5 Eligibility A member is eligible if he or she: Is a member in good standing of the club in which he or she is competing. The club also must be in good standing. New, dual or reinstated members must have dues and application current with WHQ. Has completed at least six speech projects in the Competent Communication manual. (Charter members of newly- chartered clubs are exempted.) Is not a District officer
SLIDE #6 Originality Speech must be substantially original which means: yMust be written by the speaker yQuotations must be identified Does not mean yA brand new speech – it can be one given by the speaker before at the club or in a previous years contest
SLIDE #7 Humour May be used but is not required If used: yShould not offensive yShould be appropriate to speech
SLIDE #8 Props Are not necessary If used: yShould be set up before speaker is introduced
SLIDE #9 Timing For International, no less than 4:30 and no more than 7:30 For Table Topics, no less than 1:00 and no more than 2:30 Timing begins with first interaction with audience
SLIDE #10 Protests May be made by contestants and judges only Must be made before results announced May be based only on originality Speaker has opportunity to defend Decision about originality based on majority decision of judges
SLIDE #11 More Tips for Great Contests Ensure everyone knows the rules and their duties. Confirm contest date, time and location. Pay attention to balloting. Follow the rules.
SLIDE #12 Responsibilities of Contest Chair Know the contest rules Brief contestants and Sgt at Arms Draw for speaking order Explain contest to audience Introduce speakers
SLIDE #13 Responsibilities of Chief Judge Know the rules Find appropriate judges Find a tiebreaker judge Brief the judges Brief timers and counters