Work-based learning in EU VET policy Presentation for the meeting of the Baltic Alliance for Apprenticeships 25 January 2017 Dana Carmen Bachmann, European Commission, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Unit E3, Vocational training, Apprenticeships and Adult learning 1
Focus on What's new in VET policy at EU level Things to look for in 2017 2
VET policy update 3
49 events in 3 Baltic states First European Vocational Skills Week Preliminary results Aim: Raise the attractiveness of VET Preliminary results : More than 980 events Outreach to more than 780,000 people Social media: Reach out to more than 7.000.000 viewers Created more than 32.000.000 impressions 5. Showcase VET Short term action includes: to raise awareness of VET as a first choice pathway, organising the first Vocational Skills Week, 6-9 December 2016 – progress on schedule. There is good consensus that this should become a regular event; closer work with other policies, e.g. regional policy, for integrating VET in smart specialisation strategies. 49 events in 3 Baltic states 4
2015 Riga conclusions on VET Work-based learning in all its forms (including Apprenticeships) Quality assurance, feedback loop between LM outcomes and VET provision Access to training and qualifications for all in a LLL perspective (C-VET) Strengthen key competences in both I- and C-VET Professional development of VET teachers and trainers VET deliverables 2015-2020 (Implementation at national level) 2015 Review of EU cooperation on Vocational Education & Training Within Education & Training 2020 Strategic framework (2015 Joint Report) Based on Articles 165 and 166 of TEU Work-based learning in all its forms (including Apprenticeships) Quality assurance, feedback loop between LM needs and VET provision Access to training and qualifications for all in a LLL perspective (C-VET) Strengthen key competences in both I- and C-VET Professional development of VET teachers and trainers 5
New Skills Agenda for Europe Possible revision of ECVET and EQAVET Higher level VET Skills Increase work-based learning opportunities Streamlining governance for cooperation on VET European Vocational Skills Week VET is valued for fostering job-specific and transversal skills, facilitating the transition into employment and maintaining and updating the skills of the workforce. For too many young people and their parents, VET remains a second choice and co-ordination between labour market actors and education and training providers is too often a challenge. VET needs to increase its attractiveness through quality provision, flexible organisation, and closer connections with business, higher education and research. Actions: 1. Making data available on labour market outcomes of VET and increasing flexibility for VET learners will be pursued through proposed revision of the existing instruments for quality assurance and credit, in line with the revised EQF Recommendation. 2. Streamlined governance for European cooperation on VET will be pursued, with a more explicit coordination role for the Advisory Committee on Vocational Training. 3. The Commission will work together with Member States and stakeholders to define a target to ensure that a higher number of learners have the opportunity to undertake a work-based learning experience as part of their studies. 4. To showcase vocational studies as a first class option, the Commission will organise a first VET Skills Week in 2016 in co-operation with Member States, social partners and education and training providers. …Business-education partnerships …boost VET mobility 6
Key areas of European VET policy Key VET areas to Continue developing NOW Riga priorities Skills Agenda CWP 2017 Key areas of European VET policy WBL and Apprenticeships Quality and graduate tracking, EQAVET Flexible learning pathways, ECVET Mobility of VET learners and apprentices Excellence, and Higher VET skills and qualifications Upskilling and reskilling through c-VET The recently adopted Riga priorities and the VET actions envisaged in the Skills Agenda indicate the way to streamline the European VET policy around a few key areas, in which action can already be taken in the short term, without the need for any legislative action: Enhanced support for work-based learning; Support VET learners' mobility; Building upon EQAVET to further enhance quality assurance; Building upon ECVET to make VET more flexible; Showcase vocational pathways as a first class option; Support high quality skills development (sector skills, higher VET etc.); Streamline the existing EU level governance of the VET sector. Action has indeed already started. 1. Youth initiative - The initiative includes a proposal for the creation of a European Solidarity Corps (legislative/ non-legislative) and priority measures to implement the youth aspects of the Skills Agenda, including a quality framework for apprenticeships and a proposal on increased mobility for apprentices (legislative); modernising school and higher education (non-legislative; Q2/2017); as well as a proposal for improved tracking of outcomes for graduates but also young people who have followed vocational education and training (non-legislative; Q2/2017). Better use of EU financial instruments to support policy objectives 7
European Alliance for Apprenticeships – Key figures Commitments 160 pledges (1 LT) 32 National commitments (all 3 Baltic states) 2 trans-national alliances (1 Baltic Alliance)
Growing Alliance
Variety of stakeholders
Things to look for in 2017
"Investing in Europe's Youth" Youth initiative 7 December 2016 "Investing in Europe's Youth" Proposal for tracking of outcomes for graduates (including VET) A Quality framework for apprenticeships Apprenticeships support services (bench-learning model) Proposal on ErasmusPRO Also includes measures on: European Solidarity Corps, modernising school and higher education, and Agenda for Schools and Teachers YOUTH INITIATIVE The initiative includes a proposal for the creation of a European Solidarity Corps and priority measures to implement the youth aspects of the Skills Agenda, including a quality framework for apprenticeships and a proposal on increased mobility for apprentices ; modernising school and higher education; as well as a proposal for improved tracking of outcomes for graduates but also young people who have followed vocational education and training. 13
Quality Framework for Apprenticeships 2013 Joint Declaration of Commission, Social Partners and LT Presidency at the launch of the EAfA, 2013 Council Declaration on "European Alliance for Apprenticeships", includes quality elements 2016 Joint Statement of EU Social partners 2016 ACVT Opinion on "A Shared Vision on Quality and Effective Apprenticeships and Work-based learning" Council Recommendation foreseen 2017 (1st semester) Will also underpin the quality of apprenticeships supported through EU programmes (Youth Guarantee, YEI, European Solidarity Corps, Erasmus+, and European Social Fund), as well as EU initiatives (EAFA and P4Y)
For a million young ”European apprentices” by 2020 VET/Apprenticeship mobility Policy context – demand for action Erasmus Pro For a million young ”European apprentices” by 2020 MEP Jean Arthuis Pilot project - Towards a single European apprenticeship framework Jacques Delors Institute has issued a paper calling for the EU to support 1 million young people in apprenticeship mobility by 2020. Jean Arthuis, has called for a pilot project to be conducted in 2016, aimed at addressing both the framework conditions as well as financial means to support VET mobility. Together with other fourteen MEPs, Jean Arthuis has recently sent a letter to President Juncker requesting a reinforcement of the EU budget for VET mobility as from 2017: € 500 million progressing to € 1.5 billion by 2020 MEP Ernest Maragall of the Committee on Culture and Education has also recently submitted a report "Erasmus+ and other tools to foster mobility in VET". Youth Mobility Programme To make VET/apprenticeship an attractive, quality and equal choice for transitions to jobs
ErasmusPRO mobility What is ErasmusPRO: Work placements and Apprenticeship What is ErasmusPRO: a specific activity within Erasmus+ Key Action 1 - Not a new programme Purpose: to increase the number of long-duration (6 to 12 months) VET mobility Greater focus on work placements How: Foster demand and supply of long-duration mobility by: improving Erasmus+ support/incentives (in AWP 2018), and mobilising VET providers, Social partners, and companies
Key funding opportunities Erasmus + 2017 call Mobility projects: 2 February Strategic partnerships: 29 March Forward looking cooperation projects: 14 March Sector skills alliances/Blueprint for sect coop: publ upcoming Pilot project mobility of apprenticeships: publication Jan/Febr 2017 Erasmus 2018: specific call on joint degrees/higher VET (planned)
European qualifications 2017-18 EAfA 3 Priority areas LEARN - Knowledge sharing SHARE - Networking and cooperation ACT - Supporting actions 1. Support Services Joint European VET/ apprenticeship qualifications New Erasmus+ call (KA3), including higher VET Link to Sector Skills Alliances, Blueprint and existing cross-border projects 2. European qualifications Boost apprenticeship mobility Launch 2nd pilot projects on long-term mobility Work with EAfA members on removing obstacles Work to strengthen Erasmus+ support Transparency of offers through EURES & Drop'pin 3. Mobility
Quality & cost-effective-ness 2017-18 Working areas Integration of migrants into VET Digitalisation Innovation Entrepreneurship Higher VET Evidence-based approach 4. New challenges Quality Framework for Apprenticeships Follow-up of OECD project on cost and benefits 5. Quality & cost-effective-ness Implementing VET-business partnerships New projects for regional approaches And new call on joint qualifications Improve information on access to funding 6. Access to funding
Attractive-ness & pledges 2017-18 Working areas Vocational Skills Weeks Build geographical spread, sectoral and regional outreach Encourage concrete targets MT Presidency Conference (30-31 May 2017) as boosting event 7. Attractive-ness & pledges Strengthen UNESCO-led Inter-Agency Group Continue cooperation with ILO, OECD, GAN and EU-U.S. dialogue WBL in candidate countries Conference at WorldSkills 2017 in Abu Dhabi 9. Inter-national cooperation Build EU wide Apprentices network as a sounding board for EAfA work In Cooperation with Youth Forum & Obessu 8. Apprentices
ET 2020 Working Group on VET Thematic focus: teachers and trainers in work based learning/apprenticeships Outputs: Policy guidance, practical examples Past results:
Link pledges to national commitments Key challenges Link pledges to national commitments Get more actors on board, especially employers Promote apprentices mobility Involve more the youth More focus on actions at local/regional level