The French and Indian War “The Farmer in the Dell” The Ohio River Valley Was claimed by both… France and England… And to the war they go! England won the war And amassed a large debt. They taxed the colonists To pay it back. Written by: Michelle Garner
The Stamp Act England made a Stamp Act And paper was expensive. “All Around the Mulberry Bush” England made a Stamp Act And paper was expensive. The colonies decided to boycott. Here comes the Revolution! Now the colonies, Didn’t want the Parliament… To be in charge of them! Written by: Michelle Garner
The Tea Act The Tea Act was not a tax It was a monopoly! “Old MacDonald” The Tea Act was not a tax It was a monopoly! It gave exclusive rights to The British East India Company. Parliament was helping them To avoid bankruptcy. We were already boycotting tea Because of the Townsend Act you see! Written by: Michelle Garner
The Boston Tea Party The Sons of Liberty Boarded a British ship. “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean” The Sons of Liberty Boarded a British ship. They threw over the cheap tea, So the boycott would stick. This caused Parliament To pass the Coercive Acts.. These Acts were called Intolerable By the colonists. Written by: Michelle Garner
John Adams John Adams was from Massachusetts. “Hail to the Cheif” John Adams was from Massachusetts. He was a leader of the Sons of Liberty. He wanted independence from Britain. He helped write the Declaration indeed! Written by: Michelle Garner
( aka the Coercive Acts ) The Intolerable Acts ( aka the Coercive Acts ) “Yankee Doodle” The Intolerable Acts were awful. They closed Boston Harbor. They took away Massachusetts’ right To govern themselves. The colonists communicated Through Communities of Correspondence. Then they sent a delegate To the Continental Congress. Written by: Michelle Garner
Continental Congress The Continental Congress Established a boycott “Oh Come all Ye Failthful” The Continental Congress Established a boycott On all trade with Great Britain . They sent a petition To King George III They told the colonists to arm themselves. This led to the battles of Lexington and Concord And the Revolutionary War! Written by: Michelle Garner