Titles-2 minute edit Which is punctuated correctly? A. I read Off the Wall from the book titled Superfudge. B. I read Off the Wall from the book titled Superfudge. C. I read “Off the Wall” from the book titled Superfudge. D. I read Off the Wall from the book titled “Superfudge. “
Titles-2 minute edit Which is punctuated correctly? A. I read an article in People Magazine about Justin Beiber. B. I read an article in “People Magazine” about Justin Beiber. C. I read an article in “People Magazine” about Justin Beiber. D. “I read an article in People Magazine about Justin Beiber.”
Titles-2 minute edit Which is punctuated correctly? A. There was an interesting article about “Mars” in Science Digest last month. B. There was an interesting article about “Mars in Science Digest last month. “ C. There was an interesting article about Mars in Science Digest last month. D. There was an interesting article about Mars in Science Digest last month.