Award Management A Compliance Hold is system generated by eRPM if required system check approvals are missing. Once the compliance approvals are completed, the system automatically releases the Compliance Hold.
Award Management Use the Compliance Status meters on the Main & Modification tabs to check Compliance Status. . Compliance Holds can be generated by: IRB approval IACUC (animal approval) IBS (institutional biosafety committee COI (conflict of interest) Export Control Review HPSCRO (Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research Oversight) RPC (Radiation Committee RPC) Compliance Holds require system update(s) & may also require ORSP action to resolve (e.g. an expired IACUC no longer applicable to the project may require the ORSP Project Rep to remove the protocol from the system validation check) Once the compliance approvals are completed, the system automatically releases the Compliance Hold.
Award Management A Hold is placed by an ORSP Project Representative if there are outstanding items that need to be completed prior to processing an award or modification. Hold notification correspondence, including the reason for the hold, is sent to both the PI and the Primary Post-Award Contact. Check the Activity History tab and look for the “Manage Hold” activity. Clicking on “Manage Hold” will display the reason(s) for the hold. You can also click on notifications to see the recipients notified of the hold (PI and Primary Post-Award Contact).
Award Management Check the Activity History tab and look for the “Manage Hold” activity. Clicking on “Manage Hold” will display the reason(s) for the hold.
Award Management You can also click on notifications to see the recipients notified of the Hold (PI and Primary Post-Award Contact).
Award Management Where did all my documents go!!!?????? Document Type Document Type PAF AWD Notice of Award View all Award Notices (old PAN’s & PAC’s) Email notice View Award Worksheet (Award Document) Attachments (Award Documents) Other Documents Attachments Tab Unit Documents Tab Activity History (posted comments) Modifications Tab (Request Action/Modification documents) Many documents remain on PAF for converted Award Records.
ORSP Action Request vs. Post Award Change Request (Modification) Award Management ORSP Action Request vs. Post Award Change Request (Modification) An ORSP Action Request is for any request that will NOT result in a formal modification to the award (e.g. a status request update, asking ORSP to send a document to the sponsor etc). A Post-Award Change Request is for any change that may result in a formal Modification to the award (e.g. no-cost extension, PI change, re-budget request)