Contest Entry Drawing and Painting By: Christine Burris
Find 5-2 dimensional items that represent either Gig Harbor or the arts. Search through folders, books, or use Google images. Either print them off the computer or trace them on the light table to your own paper.
Cut out all five items individually. Use an x-acto knife or scissors.
Arrange on an 11 x 17 sheet of paper Use a vertical format. Move them around on the page to create a composition. Decide on the three best images. Make one dominant using size. You may need to enlarge that item or shrink others Incorporate a self framing mechanism.
Use the light table or window to trace onto the final matt board
Stipple the design with pen and black ink. Be sure to look at the original photographs. Finish with one third black one third white and one third mid tones.
After inking is complete give to teacher to make photocopies.
Use the photo copies to practice color schemes with colored pencils. Create 5 versions and select the best. Use the best scheme to complete your final copy
Fill out the contest entry form including parent signature, and completely tape to the back. Fill out a self assessment sheet paper clip it to the final piece and turn in to the teacher.