Welcome Wando Beta Club 2018-2019!
Join our Remind101!! Text @wandobe to 81010
Website www.wandobetaclub.weebly.com Instead of a Facebook page, this year we have a website! Visit this site to find all of the dues forms and service hours forms and to access the powerpoint with service opportunities from every meeting. You can also find contact info, news, and updates on the site!
Service Hours Each member must complete 18 hours of community service per semester. You can use 10 service hours from the summer for 1st semester hours. If you belong to the AP Academy or National Honors Society, you can use hours from those clubs to count for Beta Club as well. 1st semester service hours are due January 8th!
Service Opportunities Turkey Day Run and Gobble Wobble 5k On Thursday, November 22 (Thanksgiving Day) at Marion Square Downtown Sign up to be a volunteer at https://www.turkeydayrun.com/volunteers.php Volunteers who sign up before November 20th get a free volunteer shirt!
Service Opportunities Chili 5k November 17th at Laurel Hill County Park Volunteers needed to set up, clean up, and help out with the race There will also be a post-race party that includes hot chili! If you want to help, contact Tina Ujcich at tujcich@ccprc.com or (843) 762-8053
Service Opportunities One80 Place Soup Kitchen Volunteering Volunteers are always needed to serve lunch at One80 Place, a homeless shelter in downtown Charleston To volunteer, sign up for a day and time slot through the link below! https://one80place.volunteerhub.com/? format=Calendar&filter=34867
WANDOTHON Wandothon is Wando’s annual dance fundraiser to raise money for the new MUSC Shawn Jenkin’s children’s hospital, on February 2nd from 2-8pm. Visit www.wandothon.weebly.com to sign up! Also, follow @wandothon on Instagram for updates!
Second Litter Sweep We will be doing a follow- up litter sweep with South Carolina Aquarium in order to learn about the effects of pollution in the charleston area. Date and Time: December 8th 9-11 Meeting place: Carolina One by Patriots Point
December Group Project Date, time, and location: 17th and 18th of December 3:45-4:45 in D203 Day One: Christmas Card Decorating Day Two: Christmas Cookie Decorating
SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY FOR SENIORS The National Beta Club Scholarship Program offers a number of awards to all 12th grade Beta Club members who were added to the club by November 1 of their senior year To apply, you will need your individual member ID, documentation of ACT/SAT scores, and a copy of your high school transcript To apply, go to http://www.betaclub.org/scholarship/scholarship-info?utm_source=Sponsors&utm_campaign=c400e9da4c-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_10_04_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ddc3ee94eb-c400e9da4c-26211743 Phase 1 applications are due by January 24!
2nd Tuesday of every month! Future Meeting Dates 2nd Tuesday of every month! 7:45 am or 3:50 pm in the PAC! December 11th January 8th February 12th March 12th April 9th May 14th
Our next meeting is… January 8th! Wando Beta Club 2018-2019! Our next meeting is… January 8th! In the PAC at 7:45am and 3:50pm